About us

Based in Montreal (Quebec, Canada), we are a team of 5 with a strong experience working with non-profits, CiviCRM and Free Software. We focus on providing affordable, fast, turn-key hosting and maintenance, making sure things "just work" and get regularly updated. We also have a lot of experience in customizing CiviCRM to specific requirements, while getting various organizations to work together in order to develop sustainable long-term solutions.

We have been active in the CiviCRM community since 2007 (version 1.6!). We co-host the Montreal meetups and workshops and maintain the CiviCRM integration with the Aegir hosting system. Our server hosting locations are in Canada and Europe.

Our CiviCRM Services

We offer a wide range of CiviCRM expertise, from helping smaller organizations use CiviCRM efficiently as a centralized address book to mobilize their contacts and track involvement, to professional associations or unions managing their members, and non-profits fundraising online or case management. We also specialize in French or multi-lingual installations, extension development, online payments, security and performance. Our hosting runs on fast servers located in Canada or Europe. We fully manage the infrastructure (including the virtualisation), making sure that performance is reliable and fast.