The 2021 annual report for the CiviCRM Core Team is now live at just in time for the Community Round Tables tomorrow.
Blog posts by josh
Just a quick heads up that the next Community Round Table will be on 18 January 2022. These are intended to be informal community meetings (open to all) with the Core Team and Community Council. There's no formal agenda, however typcially it looks something like:
Join the Community Council and the Core Team for our next Community Round Table on October 5th (6th depending on time zone). Get general project updates, ask questions, or just hang out and meet the community.
Links below to Time Zone converter:
CiviCRM Core Team member Coleman Watts will host a webinar presenting the latest developments in SearchKit, work in progress and future plans on 18 August at 11:00am US ET. Please join in to learn about the latest work or just to get familiar with SearchKit. Info at:
Join the Community Council and the Core Team for the 2nd Quarterly Community Round Table tomorrow, July 27th (or 28th, depending on your time zone). There will be two sessions to accommodate various time zones (links below up a Time Zone converter):
Due to a scheduling conflict, the 2nd Community Round Table originally scheduled for July 13th will be postponed 2 weeks and will be held on July 27th. Additional information will be forthcoming. Sorry for any confusion!
Josh here with the CiviCRM Core Team. Each January we publish an annual report that highlights our past operational and financial performance as well as our plans for the coming year.
The CiviCRM Community Council and CiviCRM Core Team are putting together quarterly meetings and invite you to attend. Dubbed ‘Community Round Tables’, these online meetings are intended to provide attendees with general project updates as well as an opportunity for Q&A and general feedback with the Community Council, the Core Team, and community members at large.
As you may be aware, CiviCRM was recently given an award for its incredible social impact by the Free Software Foundation. I think we can all agree that CiviCRM is amazing software! Likewise, I believe that we all recognize that our diversity in perspectives, nationalities, genders, text editors, etc. is vital to the health of both the software and the project.
Coleman Watts of the CiviCRM Core Team will give a webinar to present new developments in SearchKit and FormBuilder on April 7 @ 11am US Eastern Time (4pm BST). The webinar will include time for Q&A on planned developments for both SearchKit and Form Builder.
Update: The recording is now available here: