Blog posts by josh

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By josh Filed under Form Builder

Miss yesterday's presentation by Coleman Watts on the new GUI for Form Builder? You can check out the recording here: If you like what you see, please consider supporting the effort.

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By josh Filed under Marketing and Promotion

A few weeks back we rolled out a recommended redesign for the CiviCRM logo. We opted to tackle this in anticipation of rebranding the new CiviCRM website, which we’re in the process of transitioning to D8. We made one minor change by adopting Varela Round as the base font for the logo. The new logo, below, will begin rolling out throughout CiviCRM over the coming weeks.

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By josh Filed under Community, Sustainability, Teams

On 15 August 2019, we switched the contributor log (previously a webform/civicrm) over to Gitlab. Details on how to track time can be found here.

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By josh Filed under Marketing and Promotion

In conjunction with the website transition, we’ve undertaken a revision of the CiviCRM brand and messaging, as well as an overhaul of the site’s content.

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By josh Filed under Meetups

Olá desde Lisboa! Sou o Josh e sou um membro da equipa principal do CiviCRM. Estou neste momento sediado em Lisboa e, após conversar com algumas organizações sem fins lucrativos, comecei a pensar organizar um encontro mensal em Portugal para dar a conhecer o CiviCRM e também para dar formação e apoio. Usas CiviCRM ou estás interessado em aprender? Vives em Lisboa?

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By josh Filed under Community

In early July we announced that the contributor log as we know it would come to an end, replaced by time tracking in Gitlab (the official cutover day is August 15, by the way). And, shortly thereafter, we began a discussion within the Core Team about how we manage, track and value contributions to the project.

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By josh Filed under Form Builder, Interface and design, Make it happen

Update: the new export interface is now part of CiviCRM as of version 5.23!

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By josh Filed under Community

A few years ago we undertook an effort to capture “contributions” to CiviCRM via a contributor log. As you can imagine, this was and is an imperfect attempt to capture information on who is doing what and when. It’s a difficult task given that community members support CiviCRM in many different ways and through many different channels, including Gitlab, MatterMost, and Stack Exchange to name a few. 

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By josh Filed under Extended Security Release, Release announcements

If you’re not already aware, CiviCRM version 5.13 shipped this past Wednesday. In addition to this being the normal monthly release of the latest stable version of CiviCRM, it will also serve as the next version of CiviCRM ESR, officially in August. Finally, CiviCRM version 5.13 will be the last version of CiviCRM to support PHP 5.6.

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By josh Filed under Statistics, Sustainability

It’s been a long time coming, but we finally managed to post the Core Team’s financials online in a format that not only shows where we’re at but also breaks down our income and expenses over the past 12 months. We’ve maintained project stats online for some time at so it made sense to just add a new tab there. Check it out here.

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