Will Brownsberger, Massachusetts state representative, presented at the March 23, 2010 Boston CiviCRM meetup, which was held at the One Laptop Per Child offices.
If you were thinking of attending the CiviCRM meet up last Wednesday or wondering what exactly is shared, discussed, explained, who attends?… Also, no worries if you're a bit late, we leave a number at the door for you to call
The meeting was attended by approximately 20 people who were new to CiviCRM, people who have decided to use CiviCRM and people who use and or develop it everyday and had specific questions.
After short introductions, we split into 3 smaller groups. Group A talked about CiviSchool -
Are you new to CiviCRM? Have you heard about CiviCRM and are wondering how it can assist your nonprofit?Do you want to move away from constituent relationship software that has recurring licensing fees?
In parallel with the Drupal sprint ( and CiviCRM training session (, we'll be running a CiviCRM code sprint.
Using an unconference format, we'll likely focus on activism functionality or perhaps squashing some bugs. A great way to contribute to the community while sharing with others and getting support from the core team.
We had another engaging NYC meetup on March 16th, competing with the first warm sunny day after the crazy noreaster, where around 20 people spent the evening to dig in to CiviCRM.
After our usual intros where folks can express what they'd like to get out of the evening, Fred kicked off a case study of how he used civi for the Man Up Campaign, and demonstrated the use of profiles to collect information from individuals who would like to engage or contribute to the campaign.
Every year in June, around the 10th day, a commemorative event happens in Akron, Ohio - the annual celebration of the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous. Hosted at the University of Akron, over 10,000 participants from around the world gather to celebrate the founding of this wonderful fellowship. In recent years, registration for this all weekend event has moved from mail-in forms to an online registration process.