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By lcdwebFiled under

CiviCRM is considering applying to be a mentoring organization in Google's Summer of Code program (GSOC). If you're not familiar with GSOC, you should be! ( -- it's a fantastic program that can jointly help open source projects advance development, while encouraging students to become involved in the open source community. The basic thrust of the program is that Google sponsors students (monetary stipend) to work on projects for open source software.

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By AnonymousFiled under
To make custom tabs when viewing a contact, begin by using the tabs_hook "hook_civicrm_tabs". A simple example given on the hooks documentation link above function civitest_civicrm_tabs( &$tabs, $contactID ) { // unset the contribition tab, i.e. remove it from the page unset( $tabs[1] ); // let's add a new "contribution" tab with a different name and put it last
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By Anonymous Filed under Drupal 7, Joomla, Meetups

Last Thursday, a dozen local CiviCRM users, developers and persons interested in learning about the system met at the NEXUS Resource Center to discuss the Boston CiviCRM training and challenges that we each have faced during implementations. Thank you to the The Green Roundtable for allowing us to utilize their space for this meetup.

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By yashodhaFiled under
We are excited to announce that CiviCRM 3.1.3 has been released, and is now available for download. You can also try it out on our demo site.
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By Anonymous Filed under Interface and design
DGG and I have been discussing a small modification to the Contact page that we think will have a nice impact on usability for people who spend a lot of time working inside of the contact record. After some thought, we decided that it makes sense to move the edit/dashboard/vCard and "Create activity" buttons up and outside of the Summary tab.
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By Anonymous Filed under CiviMember
This is by no means an elegant solution, but is at least a step towards automatically creating an associated Drupal user when adding a membership to a CiviCRM individual.
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By yashodhaFiled under
We are happy to announce release of CiviCRM 3.1.2 and is now available for download. You can also try it out on our demo site. This release includes 35+ bug fixes/improvements to existing functionality. We recommend that sites currently running v3.1.1 or earlier upgrade to this version as soon as possible.   Download
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By ErikHommel Filed under Meetups

It's 19.50, I'm in the train from Brussels to home, on my way back from the CiviCRM developer camp. Erik Brouwer has just left the train, Eagles on the headphone and there's a multicolored display of non-identifiable ligths thru the window.....just another 90 minutes and I will be on the couch with a glass of red, cats purring on my lap and telling Floor all about the two days. So what was it like, this developer camp?

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By ErikHommelFiled under

The Dutch housing corporation De Goede Woning did a prototype with CiviCRM in the last quearter of 2009. At the end of the prototype the project group wrote a recommendation to the Management Team:

take the basic decision to start using CiviCRM as their CRM make a project plan to start using CiviCRM in the sales and customer service part of the organisation to develop links to/from their main transaction system and their document management system
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