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By Anònim Filed under Extensions

Imagine that you’ve created your event in CiviCRM and have built an exceptionally brilliant price set. Your participants have all the choices they need, special timed options manage themselves, and the registrations are rolling in. Now it comes time to see what everyone’s choices are. How do you do that? What report can I use to see a list of participants and all their choices together?

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is super excited to announce that the seventh beta release of CiviCRM 4.7 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.7 sandbox site!

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An interview with the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

The International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) is a member-based network that connects NGO’s, social movements and advocates in more than 70 countries to create a global movement to make human rights and social justice a reality for all. Cividesk recently spoke with Thea Gelbspan, Membership and Solidarity Coordinator at ESCR-Net about how CiviCRM has improved the network’s communication with members and resulted in a strengthening of their organization at the global level.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

I have just published an extension we (CiviCooP) developed for PUM Senior Experts. They wanted to make sure that contacts could only be added/removed to/from some groups by specific users. So we have created an extension for them, adding a permission and setting the group behaviour.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

Just added the ContactSegment extension to the extensions directory. It has been created for a specific problem but we tried to keep the base generic. The development was done by CiviCooP and funded by PUM Senior Experts for CiviCRM 4.4.

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An Interview with emPower Central Coast

EmPower Central Coast is an organization that was created to help homeowners in the County of Santa Barbara make energy saving improvements to their homes. The emPower program facilitates home upgrade projects by making them more affordable through incentives, financing, qualified contractors and expert energy advice through visits from an “energy coach”. The organization recently partnered with the counties of Ventura and San Luis Obispo in Northern California to expand and serve homeowners in the tri-county region. EmPower chose to work with Cividesk as their service provider to implement and configure CiviCRM and provide training and continued technical support.

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is super excited to announce that CiviCRM 4.6.11 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.6 demo site.

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is super excited to announce that the sixth beta release of CiviCRM 4.7 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.7 sandbox site!

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By joshFiled under

It’s amazing that we’re talking about CiviCRM in 2016. First, because it’s 2016… how time flies! And second, because we’re still pushing CiviCRM forward after 11 years! This year does mark a big change for CiviCRM, however.

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By colemanwFiled under

The Core Team is very happy to announce that CiviCRM version 4.7 will be released on January 27th. Packed with both fixes and new improvements, 4.7 is the culmination of a lot of hard work and dedication from the community. If you’ve not demo’d it yet, check it out.

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