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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is super excited to announce that the first beta release of CiviCRM 4.7 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.7 sandbox site!

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk is offering several on-line CiviCRM classes during the month of December for new and current users.  Cost is $40 per session and class size is kept small to allow for questions.

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By Anònim Filed under Case studies and user stories

The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW is a member-funded organisation acting as the peak body for privately owned early childhood education and care services in NSW. It provides advocacy, policy and regulatory support and advice; member services; and professional development for members across the state of NSW, Australia.

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By Anònim Filed under Drupal 7, Extensions

We in NFPservies have some client using secure.worldpay as their payment processor and it was always an issue in making it work and now worldpay has introduced online.worldpay gateway with API reference which are easy and quicker than before

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By EileenFiled under

As we near the end of 2015 we also near the end of the 4.4 LTS. This has been the second LTS release and it has been supported by the LTS team for a little over a year - meaning 4.4 has been supported for over 2 years in total. However, as announced previously the intention is for 4.6 to be the next LTS and we are now announcing that formal LTS support for 4.4 will stop at the end of the Jan 2016.

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

PermEzone turned to Cividesk for help with a contact management and fundraising system needed to support a pilot program to support permaculture training centers for family farmers in less-industrialized regions of the world. Cividesk offered their help as part of their Giving Back program.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk is offering two NEW on-line classes in November designed for more advanced users of CiviCRM.  Each class is two hours long and class size is kept small to allow for questions.

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The latest releases of CiviCRM 4.6 and 4.4 LTS include 2 moderately critical security fixes. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version to keep your site as secure as possible.

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By josh Filed under Sustainability

I've had the opportunity to present the ‘state of CiviCRM’ now at both the recent DC User Summit and at CiviCon London. While we often talk about and evaluate the features and technical capabilities of CiviCRM, we do at times lose sight of its central purpose... the 'why' behind what we do. Going forward,  we hope to keep this front and center in our communications. Why? (I knew you’d ask that)...

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By Anònim Filed under CiviCon

Stephen Bestbier, VP Marketing and Business Development at iATS Payments, gave a talk on Payment Processing 101 at the CiviCRM User Summit in Washington this past September 2015. Payment processing is an essential part of success in today’s nonprofit sector. However, for those unfamiliar with this process, it can feel daunting.

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