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By cividesk Filed under Training

The Fundamentals of Mass Emailing is designed for new CiviCRM users who want to get started learning all of the basics of CiviMail and how to create responsive templates for mass emailing using the Mosaico extension.

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By Eileen Filed under Sprints

Last week saw the first CiviCRM sprint in New York city. For those new to the community or open source software sprints are probably a bit of a strange concept. I know I sometimes struggle to explain them to border control agents as I enter the US....

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk has received many requests from CiviCRM users in Australia and New Zealand for online training courses that are held at a time that works for them. In an effort to better serve our CiviCRM friends on the other side of the globe, we are now offering more variety in our class times to make sure all students have the opportunity to participate in our online live instruction training sessions.

Upcoming classes include:

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk is offering our intermediate Events online training class, "Organizing Successful Events" this Tuesday, June 18th starting at 10 am MT/12 pm ET.

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By Gast Filed under GSoC

GSoC is not something which can be hidden from a developer who is passionate about programming so I have heard a lot about GSoC through social media posts, and also from my colleagues and seniors from my college. From first year of my college I have been lot involved in Open Source.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

If you are new to CiviCRM and want to better understand how to manage your contacts, the relationships between them, searching, creating groups and tags, activities and reporting, then register for this fundamentals class on Contact Management this Wednesday, June 12th at 9 am MT/11 am ET. 

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Learn all the basics of managing your contributions in CiviCRM: recording, searching, reporting and effectively communicating with your donors.

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By jaapjansma Filed under CiviCamp, Community

Maandag 13 mei was het zover. Mijn eerste CiviCamp. Ik werk inmiddels al een paar jaar met CiviCRM en het leek me goed om wat meer betrokken te zijn bij de community. Ik vond het wel spannend. Ik heb immers geen verstand van ICT, ik heb een sociale opleiding gedaan. Ik ben coördinator van een maatjesproject en gebruik CiviCRM om vast te leggen wie maatje van wie is. We zijn een kleine organisatie met slechts twee parttime medewerkers, maar ik zou mijn werk niet kunnen doen zonder CiviCRM.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Are you interested in learning more about the Membership module in CiviCRM?  The Fundamentals of Membership Management will cover all the basics for getting of to a successful start with managing and tracking membership in CiviCRM. 

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk is offering our Fundamentals of Event Management class for new users on Wednesday May 22nd at 3 pm MDT (Denver) and for our friends on the other side of the globe, this class starts on Thursday, May 23rd at 7 am AEST (Sydney).  

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