If you are new to CiviCRM or would like more formal training in the basics of contact management, the Fundamentals of Contact Management offered by Cividesk is the perfect online training session for you.
Late last year CiviCRM won some seed funding from Mozilla’s MOSS fund to support the core team, and also research our community priorities. We're focussing on two questions connected to CiviCRM’s future growth and sustainability:
Register now for the online class, "Organizing Successful Events" offered by Cividesk that is designed for current users of CiviCRM. This 2- hour session is taught live on Tuesday, March 12th at 10 am MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm ET (recorded versions are not available).
Attendees represented developers, new and potential CiviCRM users, a good mix of experience. Topics covered included webforms, focussing on conditional fields. We also looked at webform layout, which allows the placing of webform fields inside boxes. The fields can then be arranged into rows and columns.
Nearly every client with whom we’ve worked over the years has wrestled with how to manage duplicate contacts in their Civi. Although it’s impossible to eliminate duplicates completely, we do have some tried-and-true suggestions for minimizing them with as little risk as possible.
Our San Francisco Bay Area CiviCRM community had a fantastic 2018 CiviCamp. The feedback we received has shaped our 2019 offering. (Thank you!) So this year, CiviCamp Oakland is a 2-Day event!
Are you looking to get started using CiviMember to mange your non-profit's membership?
Restoring the Foundations Ministry (RTF) is an integrated approach to biblical healing, with over 200 teams around the globe providing training and personal ministry to churches and people seeking help.
Put on your clogs: CiviCamp NW Europe will be held in the capital of the Netherlands: Amsterdam in May 2019! Register now!