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By HeatherOliverFiled under

As a CiviCRM implementer, I’m always looking for solutions that are sustainable, cost-effective and easy for the client to use day to day. As someone who isn’t a coder – I’m always looking for a solution that can be achieved through the user interface (UI)!

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By AnónimoFiled under

Ahead of its first release, scheduled for Civicon London 2013, Farm Africa has committed to be the development partner for CiviHR.

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By Eileen Filed under Release announcements, Security Releases
About 4.2.10 LTS

The community of developers and implementers is proud to announce the 4.2.10 LTS release of CiviCRM.  LTS stands for "long term support" and the purpose of this release is three fold:

1. To provide bug and security fixes to those who are not ready to upgrade to CiviCRM 4.3 just yet

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By Eileen Filed under API, Architecture

In New Zealand workplaces it's common to see a sign in the smoko* room saying "Your mother doesn't live here - do your own dishes".


People tend to follow this instruction as longs as: 

a) there is not already a pile of dirty dishes next to the sink

b) and they can see where to wash the dishes, and where to put them afterwards.

c) their colleagues aren't setting a bad example.


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By Anónimo Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviMember, CiviReport

Well this is my first post on the CivCRM Blog and I am very honoured to have been given the privilege by David Greenberg. We are a CRM consulting company - meaning that we provide consulting and advice to companies who require a CRM system or who have a CRM system in place but want to know how to use it to its full capacity.

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By colemanw Filed under Drupal 7

If you use the Drupal Webform-CiviCRM Integration module, pay attention for a sec, you're going to want to know this:

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By jamie Filed under CiviCampaign, Drupal 7

With the 4.3 upgrade, the Progressive Technology Project has made a number of important steps toward breaking out our work into pieces that others can use on their sites. This blog will begin a series of (hopefully) weekly blogs outlining new functionality that others can use.

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By Anónimo Filed under Meetups

This month's CiviCRM London Meetup will be on Wednesday 31st July, at Red Gallery (corner of Rivington Street and Shoreditch).

More information and registration here...


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By Anónimo Filed under Internationalization and Localization

CiviCRM comes with a convenient mechanism for handling postal greetings. However, it turns out this mechanism in its current form doesn't adequately cover greeting conventions in many non-English-speaking parts of the world. We are working on a couple of enhancements in CiviCRM to improve this situation.

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By colemanw Filed under Release announcements, Security Releases

Announcing the 6th stable release of CiviCRM 4.3, containing small bug fixes and two minor security updates to make your CRM more stable and secure.

This is a security release. You should upgrade your site immediately. If you are unable to do so, read the following security bulletins for alternate instructions for securing your site:

SECURITY Fixes in 4.3.5:

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