By popular demand, here it is: another exciting release of CiviCRM, with maintenance and stability improvements to give you the best possible CRM. Download CiviCRM 4.4.3 now.
Have you ever completed a training a wondered whether usage of your CiviCRM database changed as a result? Have you ever wondered who were the major database users in your organization and who might need more prodding?
The Progressive Technology Project is please to announce that now, with the Database Health Report, you can find out.
CiviCase is generally described as "a container for activities". As a container, it's well-suited to two scenarios:
The Purpose of CiviHR Recruitment
To me, the effort put in to build any system is worthwhile when it allows organizations to deliver better experiences all around. The CiviHR Recruitment function aims to deliver just that by:
At the London Meetup last night, the idea of having a CiviCRM co-working day was discussed, so we are certainly planning to do that in London on CiviDay 2014 (Wednesday, January 29th), and wouldn't it be great if the same pattern could be followed around the world. The idea would be that the CiviDay Meetup in the evening would be at the same venue as the Co-Working day, ie that we book a venue for the whole day and into the evening, and that the venue has good wi-fi available and access
Here it is folks, another thrilling update to everyone's favorite CRM for the social profit sector. This edition brings you maintenance and stability improvements to the latest version plus an update from the LTS team as well.
Ixiam will present CiviCRM in next OpenExpo CRM conference that will be offered at the Innovation Center Vaguada (Av. Monforte de Lemos, 38 – 28029 Madrid )
As a group fighting for construction workers’ rights in Texas, we are up against one of the most profitable industries in the state. Construction in Texas is a $60 billion industry, and employs nearly one million workers. Even though Workers Defense Project does not equal the industry’s financial power, we are winning better protections for workers by building people power.
I ‘discovered’ CiviCRM in 2010 whilst trawling the Internet for an alternative to the proprietary CRM my employer, the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA), was using at the time. I read the user and administrator book, played on the demo site and spent some time on the forums.