Please join us for the CiviCRM MeetUp Thursday, December 15 5:30-7:30pm by registering today!
Please join us for the CiviCRM MeetUp Thursday, December 15 5:30-7:30pm by registering today!
The team is super excited to announce the first alpha release for 4.1 with support for Drupal 7, Drupal 6 (yes it is backwards compatible!!!), Joomla 1.7, and for the very first time integration with Wordpress (wohoooo!!!).
Late last month, I attended a two-day code sprint in New York for CiviCRM, the free software constituent relationship management system. I want to say a few words about it because I thought it was a great experience, and a good model for other free software projects to follow (many already do!).
Having just had to import data that included a membership number for a client, rather than make a new field for the number it made sense to use the Contact ID, given that this is already a consecutive number and unique to each contact. The problem was that over the years there were big gaps in the consecutive numbers.
As many of you know with 3.4 & 4.0 a new API came out (APIv3). The new API had a number of improvements over the previous v2 including
Good documentation is mission critical for the success of any software project. As a project we essentially have three audiences for our documentation:
Users Site Builders DevelopersWe have a couple of customers who have been asking to be able to set-up recurring contributions against pledges. This seems to be a possibly contentious improvement so I'm looking for feedback on it.
As part of my final year studying Computer Science at uni I'm required to take on a 400 hour project. I've been wanting to create a mobile app for a while now and given that CiviCRM is lacking such a feature I thought it would be a good idea to embark on developing one. Hopefully the end result will be good enough to incorporate into core!
As of the Bourne, UK sprints last August, bin/cli.php has been completely re-written for 4.1.
If you are an integrator or user, you might not have noticed this file. It used to be a PHP class that was used by many of the individual scripts in the bin directory.
Now, it's a command line program designed to be run directly.
With cli.php you can run any function defined in the API version 3.
If you run the script without any arguments, you'll get a usage statement explaining how it works: