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By Anónimo Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviEvent, Drupal 7

In May, Giant Rabbit relaunched CompassPoint Nonprofit Services’ website and CRM, transitioning them away from a proprietary CMS and CRM to a Drupal/CiviCRM solution.  We came across a lot of unique requirements and challenges throughout the transition process.  This post will focus on one feature that required significant customizations to CiviCRM:  A multiple event registration shopping cart.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Meetups

Just one day after arrving back from weeks of holidays I found myself in the train from Brummen (The Netherlands) to London for CiviCon 2011, of which we were proud Silver sponsors. We arrived in time, and it was great to meet my API friends Xavier Dutoit and Eileen McNaughton (who I had never met IRL) and Kurund Jalmi and Yashodha Chaku from the CiviCRM Core team.


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By AnónimoFiled under

We found that non-profit organizations/non-government organizations often face the phenomenon of lack of resources and therefore there is not much manpower to manage the

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By yashodhaFiled under

The team is excited to annouce the release of 3.4.5 and 4.0.5. We strongly recommend reviewing the 3.4/4.0 highlights post, where you will find out what’s new and hot in 3.4/4.0 release in general. This release has 130+ bug fixes and a few improvements, hence we would recommend upgrading to this version. Check here for a detailed list of bug fixes and improvements.

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By Anónimo Filed under Meetups

Good day all,

This is to let you know that we are starting a user group for the german speaking countries (aka germany, austria, switzerland). 

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By Anónimo Filed under CiviEvent



A client approached us with a specific need; to allow for the concept of “teams” in event registration. In addition to tracking team groups, they wanted to automatically send the team captain an email notifying them of a new team member. Unfortunately at this time, Civi does not have a great mechanism to automatically track teams in the context of event registrations.

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By AnónimoFiled under

The Core Team has entered CiviCRM into the CRM Idol 2011 competition.  Here's a summary of the competition pulled from the announcement:


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