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By Anónimo Filed under CiviDay

Hosted by Cividesk's Regional Account Manager Neil Planchon at Swan's Market Cohousing, Oakland, CA

CiviDay was an opportunity for Dave Greenberg, a CiviCRM founder, to look back at 10 years of CiviCRM, plus allow two presenters to talk about how CiviCRM let them support their organizations – James Meehan, for Bay Area Children’s Theater, and Josh Mailman, for NorCal CanciNet, WARMTH and Piedmont Yoga Initiative.

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By Eileen Filed under API

In general we try to keep the CiviCRM developer interface with CiviCRM as stable as possible. Ideally hooks, payment processor extensions and api calls should change as little as possible between releases.

In every release there are some improvements and additions. Generally the place to find out about these is the api change log - ie,

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is super excited to announce that the fourth alpha release of CiviCRM 4.6 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.6 sandbox site!

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By lcdweb Filed under CiviCon

CiviCon 2015 in Denver is right around the corner -- April 22-23, 2015. The Program Committee is now opening a call for presentations to invite members of the CiviCRM community to present topics of interest during the conference. If you are interested in presenting at CiviCon, please visit the session submission form, review the guidelines outlined there, and submit your presentation:

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An interview with the Denver Office of Strategic Partnerships

The Denver Office of Strategic Partnerships (DOSP) was founded to serve as a bridge between the City of Denver and the non-profit sector.  The agency focuses on building individual skills and tools for non-profit and City agency staff in order to encourage the creation of cross-sector partnerships.  Cividesk recently spoke with Miriam Pena, director of the DOSP and Jason Salas, who handles marketing, media and communications within the organization about their experiences implementing and using CiviCRM.

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is super excited to announce that the third alpha release of CiviCRM 4.6 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.6 sandbox site!

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By Anónimo Filed under WordPress

The release of CiviCRM 4.6 marks a watershed moment for integration with WordPress. Read on for a guide to what's new and what you can do with these cool new features.

CiviCRM 4.6 opens a world of new possibilities for developers and administrators of WordPress-based systems. CiviCRM administrators will be happy to hear that they can now reliably use shortcodes in both static pages and chronological posts. CiviCRM content inserted via a shortcode can even appear in blog archives now. For developers, the big news is that for the first time, multiple plugins can receive callbacks from CiviCRM's hook system. What this means is that WordPress developers can now begin building an ecosystem of plugins to rival the ecosystem of Drupal modules.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

This week Jaap and me were working on the first CiviRules sprint, funded by MAF Norge. As you have problably read (and if not you should :-) in Jaap's earlier blog post he has been working on API's to send Emails, SMS and PDF letters. In the meantime I have created a first database scheme for CiviRules, hacked some basic DAO's and BAO's together and started working on the first forms. Preview of the screen included :-)

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By jaapjansma Filed under API, Extensions

This week we have been working for MAF Norway to automate the sending of SMS, E-mail and PDF creation. What we have done in the past for them is that we created a Trigger/Action module to automate their donor journeys. The actions in the trigger/action module are API calls. But what was missing up-to-today was to functionality to send e-mail, or to create a PDF Letter or send an SMS by invoking an API Call.

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