Extensions Directory
Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).
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Embed payment/donation forms on your external website. See README for limitations. See the Inlay extension for details on what that is.
Purge Logs is a configurable API Job, to remove files older than a defined timeframe.
Ensures bounces are recorded for CiviMail when using Mandrill's SMTP servers.
Eases duplicate detection by performing periodic background scans for duplicate candidates across all contacts, for each appropriately configured Dedupe Rule; duplicate candidate are presented in reviewable batches, which you can then process for merging (or marking as "not duplicates") as usual with CiviCRM's merging features.
CiviCRM Extension for high performance activity features.
Use this, if you have a lot of activities, and you're having troubles with the performance of the activity tab in the contact summary view, or the activity reports.
Use this, if you have a lot of activities, and you're having troubles with the performance of the activity tab in the contact summary view, or the activity reports.
This extension adds the possibility to create a portal user from a contact.
The portal user itself does not do anything except registering in the database that this user should have a login at an
external portal.
The portal user itself does not do anything except registering in the database that this user should have a login at an
external portal.
Tools to help translate both admin configurations and CiviCRM strings managed on Transifex.
Allows you to specify administrators who have access to groups and contacts within those groups.
Contacts will only be able to see groups for which they are administrators and the contacts in those groups.
Contacts will only be able to see groups for which they are administrators and the contacts in those groups.
Administration interface for CiviCRM world regions, countries and states.
Implements a SearchKit display using leaflet.js for showing lat/lon on a map.
Experimental extension that makes it possible to create new activities using a profile, when used in combination with the remoteform extension.
Simple administrative helper to send yourself a message template for testing purposes.