Extensions Directory
Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).
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This extension forms the basis for funding application management in CiviCRM: It supports processes for application submission, application review, approval, call for funds, payment instruction and proof of use.
A CiviCRM extension to automatically add information about your contacts' electoral districts.
Mailjetty provides a webhook bounce processor for Mailjet.
Provides additional ways of restricting access to Contribution Pages, Event Registration pages and Profiles (in edit mode).
Makes it possible to re-order the dashboard elements (including those defined by extensions).
Embed forms in any remote website, providing inputs to a Form Processor. Invisible anti-spam measure included. This is an "Inlay" and therefore requires that extension, see https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/inlay
Provides extra options to translate receipts generated by the cdntaxreceipt extension.
RFM = Recency, Frequency, Monetary value
Provides validator for phone number formatting. So that your users enter the phone number
according a format you wish.
You can configure the allowed formats.
according a format you wish.
You can configure the allowed formats.
This is a CiviCRM extension that enables a single Contribution page to have options for multiple recurring Contributions, each with different recurring payment schedules (frequency). Such that you can provide donation frequency options or membership renewal of daily, weekly, monthly or yearly with varying intervals. This is implemented by adding two new fields to each Priceset Option within a Priceset:
1. Recurring Contribution Unit: Which determines if this option should generate a recurring Contribution. Options: no recurrence, day, week, month, year
2. Recurring Contribution Interval: Which determines the interval of the recurrence. Integer field.
When the Contribution page is processed, each Priceset Option with a defined Recurring Contribution Unit will result in the creation of a recurring Contribution according to the options selected.
1. Recurring Contribution Unit: Which determines if this option should generate a recurring Contribution. Options: no recurrence, day, week, month, year
2. Recurring Contribution Interval: Which determines the interval of the recurrence. Integer field.
When the Contribution page is processed, each Priceset Option with a defined Recurring Contribution Unit will result in the creation of a recurring Contribution according to the options selected.
Lookup the value of a given field based on the value of another field. For example, based on the postcode of a contact, on a contribution page or on an administrative page, you may want to lookup the region, district, state/province, or can be used to determine a medical clinic, closest office, etc.
Allows the admin to set the `From` email address that matches the "Sending Domain" for all emails being sent from CiviCRM, while still allowing users to select the `Reply-To` email addresses.
Moat provides a highly configurable dynamic firewall-type system for extensions to use. It’s based on setting rate limits on certain activities, and then taking certain actions when a flood of that occurs.
This extension provides an API that can be accessed by other extensions. Please see the documentation (README)
This extension provides an API that can be accessed by other extensions. Please see the documentation (README)