Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Sets the correct money formatting settings depending on the language (English/French).
Current Usage: 6
This extension fixes a core flawless.
When you merge two contacts and a case is moved from one to the other then the case is copied and the old one
is marked as deleted.
Sometimes you want to keep the case (for example if you want stick with the case id).
Current Usage: 6
Allows modifying the contribution Source field based on the 'source' query string parameter, if such is provided in the URL for a contribution page.
Current Usage: 6
Provides a "Call Next" Dashlet for the CiviCRM Dashboard and a Call Next Log Block for the Contact Layout Editor.
Current Usage: 6
Update the activity status after a search on activities.
There is no limit on how many activities could be updated.
Current Usage: 6
This Extension allows you to create and schedule CiviCRM mailings without using the CiviCRM user interface.
Current Usage: 5
The focus of this extension is to facilitate the initial import and continuous update of the following data:

Committees - e.g. parliaments
Contacts, along with address, email, phone and website - e.g. members of parliament
Committee memberships
For that will find the importer in Contact menu with the "Import/Synchronise Committees" item. There you'll have to select:

an importer module suitable for your data source, e.g. the German Kürschner list.
a syncer module that defines the way the data is represented in your CiviCRM instance.
If the existing modules don't really work for you, you can contact us for new/adjusted modules at info@systopia.de.
Current Usage: 5
Campaign Manager (Next Generation) is an upgraded version from the original extension de.systopia.campaign.
Current Usage: 5
Creates an downloadable archive of a CiviCase so you can store the contents of the case in your archive.
Developed for the use case where the data of a grant application is not needed anymore after a year however it needs to be stored in an archive for legal matters (in case the tax authority wants to check whether everything went well).
Current Usage: 5
This extension is intended to anonymize your database, so you can share your CiviCRM database more readily.
Current Usage: 5
Developer's tool to automatically patch core CiviCRM files.
Current Usage: 5
Verwerking van de Belgische OGM of gestructureerde mededeling. De extensie genereert OGM's en kan ze herkennen als een betalingsbestand met CiviBanking ingelezen wordt.
Current Usage: 5
Using a CiviCRM search form (ex: Advanced Search), export all the photos of the resulting contacts as a single zip file.
Current Usage: 5
GlobalPayments payment processor in CiviCRM.

This extension implements the [GlobalPayments](https://www.globalpayments.com/) payment provider in CiviCRM.

It is using the [GP-API](https://developer.globalpay.com/ecommerce/hosted-fields-guide).

Currently only one-off payments are supported.
Current Usage: 5
Ever needed to upload very large files to CiviCRM, beyond the web server's limit? No? Well now you can, thanks to the plupload library, which can be combined with the remoteform extension, so that your users can upload huge files. Kidding aside, this is more of a proof of concept extension.
Current Usage: 5