Extensions Directory
Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).
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A very simple extension to allow permissioned users to access a set of static HTML + other resources.
This is useful if you want to provide restricted access to a static HTML site for users authenticated to CiviCRM. It is not (yet 😅) a CMS or CMF or page builder etc. It may be useful if, for example, you have just gotten rid of a Drupal 7 intranet type site in favour of CiviCRM Standalone and now have nowhere to keep all that old content.
This is useful if you want to provide restricted access to a static HTML site for users authenticated to CiviCRM. It is not (yet 😅) a CMS or CMF or page builder etc. It may be useful if, for example, you have just gotten rid of a Drupal 7 intranet type site in favour of CiviCRM Standalone and now have nowhere to keep all that old content.
This extension provides the option of hiding disabled schedule reminders and message templates.
Limit the number of custom fields per custom group to avoid database errors based on the size of the field and the type of collation of the column of custom fields.
Membership "Behaviours" (Rules) for FormBuilder
This utility extension provides an API call to reformat Batch titles so that they sort correctly when used in report filters.
This is of no interest unless you use Accounting Batches.
This is of no interest unless you use Accounting Batches.
Sets a predefined string format (i,.e. UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalize, etc), to Entities' string fields when this is saved or updated.
When you get a receipt for a recurring contribution/membership you also get some links for self-service cancel, update and billing. This extension provides those links as tokens that can be used in any messagetemplate when the renderer gets a contribution, membership ID or recurring contribution ID.
Debug Tools is a collection of tools to facilitate the development in CiviCRM.
CiviCRM personal campaign teams allows people to create their own personal campaign page (PCP) which is part of a team, with a common objective as well as an individual page for each member.
Adds a "View all mailings" permission to CiviCRM that, if the user does not have the permission, stops them from seeing mailings not created by them.