Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Alters the "Email Invoice" form to add a few fields similar to other email forms (to, cc, subject with tokens, message templates), as well as generates payment links for pending contributions that can be copy-pasted from the View Contribution page.
Current Usage: 72
This extension allows members of the public to apply for Grants.
Current Usage: 64
This extension make it possible to crop and scale image fields in CiviCRM. For now, it works only with the default Contact "image_URL" field in contact records view/edit and profile view/edit.
Current Usage: 59
Current Usage: 58
Displays the contribution progress bar widget on contribution pages, and provides an alternative embeddable widget.
Current Usage: 54
Zoom integration for CiviCRM. Alternative implementation that relies on CiviRules to sync data and also supports syncing participant status back to CiviCRM. Supports OAuth authentication.
Current Usage: 49
Integration with Xero online accounting package
Current Usage: 48
Elections is a CiviCRM extension which provides on-line election functionality (nominations and voting) to CiviCRM.
Current Usage: 46
Divides the Contact Dashboard into tabs for ease of use. Also allows display of profiles as read-only tabs in the Contact Dashboard.
Current Usage: 44
This extension gives the administrator the possibility to define geogrpahical areas. Each contact is assigned the areas based on his address
Current Usage: 44
This extension is designed to preserve the email reputation of your server and its IP by ensuring that all outbound email is sent from an address with the same domain as the System-generated Mail Settings From Email Address configured at Administer > Communications > Organization Address and Contact Info (civicrm/admin/domain?action=update&reset=1).
Current Usage: 43
Adds Open Graph Protocol (OGP) meta tags to some CiviCRM pages, which provides a better experience when sharing pages on social media.
Current Usage: 39
This extension uses the cssin library (https://github.com/djfm/cssin) to convert style sheet links to inline css. This is important for content that is going to a gmail account to render correctly. Also, it makes it easier to see the same thing in your browser as the final email.
Current Usage: 36