Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

This is work-in-progress towards getting CiviCRM able to run without a CMS.

We'd love help with this, so please join the standalone channel on Mattermost at chat.civicrm.org
Current Usage: 1,122
This extension enables creating custom fields for a contribution page.
Current Usage: 825
This extension changes which contacts are referenced by Inbound Email activities to make them (arguably) more sensible than core CiviCRM's defaults.

Core CiviCRM Inbound Emails result in Activities with 'Added by' and 'Assigned to' set to the contact related to the From email address, and 'With Contact' (aka Target Contact) set to the email-to-activity email's related contact. 'Assigned to' is normally a staff person who is assigned to do followup work, which wouldn't be true for inquiry or response emails. 'With Contact' is normally the external stakeholder, which in this case is the From email address's contact. As the system is adding the contact because it came in the email-to-activity inbox, 'Added by' is set to that email's related contact. No contact is 'Assigned to' followup on an Inbound Email automatically, although it might be nice as a new feature to have a setting for one or more to be added.
Current Usage: 806
Event Calendar Extension allows you to view all CiviCRM events in a calendar by month,day,week.
Current Usage: 593
Provides various ways of protecting forms from spam/bots including Honeypot, Flood control, ReCAPTCHA v2 and v3.
Current Usage: 569
The Extended Contact Matcher (XCM) offers comprehensive configuration options for matching contacts and handling data changes for online integrations and other API connections.
Current Usage: 389
SMS API for CiviCRM to send sms through the API

Current Usage: 379
Move a contribution from one contact to another. This can be done through the contact's contribution tab or through search results.
Current Usage: 322
Provides a report on upcoming birthdays and an API for sending birthday greetings via e-mail.
Current Usage: 321
Provides tokens for any related contact for all available contact tokens (e.g., to get the employer’s first name or spouse’s birth date).
Current Usage: 289
This CiviCRM extension normalizes your data before it is saved to the database. It therefore works from the back-end, with public form submissions such as profiles, contribution, event registration and membership creation/renewal pages as well as with data imports. It can normalize first, middle, last and company names, phone numbers, and addresses including zip codes.
Current Usage: 283
Symbiotic fork of the CiviDesk Sparkpost extension, with a few experimental features.
Current Usage: 269
This extensions adds activity tokens for use in scheduled reminders
Current Usage: 238
This is a CiviCRM extension designed for large scale donation receipt generation in a heavily regulated environment (e.g Germany).
Current Usage: 219
Create, configure and manage any number recurring tasks with this neat little extension - BUT: you have to know your way around SQL.
Current Usage: 209