Blog posts by cividesk

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By cividesk Filed under CiviDay

CiviDay Denver was hosted by Cividesk and T4T Colorado and welcomed nearly 40 attendees under beautiful, sunny, Colorado skies in a comfortable atmosphere within the training center of the Colorado Collaborative for Nonprofits. Participants came with different objectives in mind: some to learn more about the possibilities of CiviCRM, and some who are new users of the database were seeking clarity on certain functionalities. More experienced users were in attendance to convene with the Civi community and attend workshops that would dig deeper into the capabilities of CiviCRM.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM classes during the month of February at a new time.  These two-hour sessions are desgined for newer users and will focus on Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions. Class size is kept small to allow for Q&A.  Click here for more information on specific curriculum, dates and cost.  Additional questions? Email

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An interview with the Denver Office of Strategic Partnerships

The Denver Office of Strategic Partnerships (DOSP) was founded to serve as a bridge between the City of Denver and the non-profit sector.  The agency focuses on building individual skills and tools for non-profit and City agency staff in order to encourage the creation of cross-sector partnerships.  Cividesk recently spoke with Miriam Pena, director of the DOSP and Jason Salas, who handles marketing, media and communications within the organization about their experiences implementing and using CiviCRM.

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

Due to circumstances beyond their control related to their previous hosting provider, PACH was recently forced to find a new host for their Joomla website and CiviCRM. In addition, PACH has one volunteer in charge of CiviCRM which manages more than 450 volunteers and supporter contacts. They recognized the need for a solid support team in the event that this volunteer becomes unavailable or is unable to resolve an issue. They had asked several CiviCRM providers, but it was difficult to find one that could host and support Joomla, until they found Cividesk.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Is your New Year’s resolution to shape up your CiviCRM skills?  Learn how to better utilize CiviCRM by participating in these on-line classes taught by Cividesk.  All classes are two hours in length and designed for the new user, however many current users find the courses helpful to complete their knowledge in a particular area of the CRM. Each course focues on a different topic: Contacts, Membership, Events and Contribution management.

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

When Home Builders Foundation of Metro Denver was faced with fatal database errors during a CiviCRM upgrade, they did not know how to deal with this issue.

The Home Builders Foundation’s missions to provide accessibility solutions and home modifications for individuals with disabilities and financial need through the collaborated efforts of the building industry. Having completed nearly 1,200 projects since 1993, the Foundation operates with a staff of two and a minuscule budget. They could not afford the services of a CiviCRM consultant to repair their database and proceed with the upgrade.

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An interview with the French Chamber of Commerce in Mexico

The French-Mexican Chamber of Commerce promotes business development between France and Mexico by offering services to their members and the community and coordinating events which strengthen French-Mexican business alliances.  The Chamber began using CiviCRM in the summer of 2013 as a new Cividesk customer. Julie Riotte, director of the Chamber, and Hajer Najjar, assistant director, recently spoke with Cividesk about their experience with CiviCRM.

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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk is offering four different on-line training sessions in November focusing on Contacts, Events, Membership and Contribution Management.  Click here for more information on class curriculum, specific dates/time and cost for each session.  Classes are designed for new users or those who are in need of a refresher course.  Email with any specific questions. 


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By cividesk Filed under Training

These classes are designed for new users of CiviCRM or those looking to take a refresher course.  The training sessions are 2-hours in length and allow time for Q&A. For more information or to register on-line, click on the following links:

Wednesday, October 8, 2014 - Contact Management

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By cividesk Filed under Marketing and Promotion

Today is a very special day: Sept. 10th is the Internet Slowdown. And you have most probably hear of Net Neutrality and seen the banners on prominent web properties such as WordPress, Mozzilla, Namecheap, Reddit, Netflix, Google, Vimeo, Tumblr, Foursquare, Etsy, Meetup, Digg, ACLU, EFF, Open Media and more than 7,000 other websites.

But ... whether:

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