Blog posts by jaapjansma

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By jaapjansma Filed under Extensions, Make it happen

Last month I made a proposal for a client to integrate CiviCRM with Outlook 365. This proposal was rejected because the client did not go for an e-mail migration to Outlook 365. So the need for this plugin was gone.

The plan was that this integration would do the following:

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By jaapjansma Filed under Development Tools, API, Architecture, Extensions, Interface and design, Sprints

Last week we had a Sprint in the wonderful city of Brussels. This blog post is a recap of what I have been up to.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Development Tools, API, Architecture, Community, Documentation, Drupal 7, Drupal 8+, Sprints

CiviCooP and Systopia and Palasthotel have been working together on CiviProxy and CiviProxy. This blog is a round up of what we have achieved in the last couple of days. The first thing we have achieved is that we had fun and a very good work atmosphere. We made long days and made lots of progress.

What are CiviProxy and CiviMcRestFace?

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By jaapjansma Filed under CiviCon, Sprints

This year we had a sprint after CiviCon Cologne. So far I have only been to a sprint in Edale UK. The Germans copied everything from that sprint, remote location with hardly any internet. But with Germans you know it is done well. So the internet was faster (but still slow). The remote location had a bbq place, swimming pool and sauna.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Meetups, Sprints

Thursday 23th and Friday 24th of March we are having a mini-sprint in the Ede (NL) in which we will fix CiviCRM bugs. We are with four of us already (Erik Hommel, Alain Benbassat, Klaas Eikelboom and me) so it is going to be fun! That is the main reason and the other reason is that we want to contribute to CiviCRM Core.

Our plan is to have two days for fixing CiviCRM bugs once in the month or once in the two months. But at least regularly and fitting to our busy schedule.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Drupal 7

In this blog I want to explain the round up we have done around the refactoring of the acl_contact_cache. In the previous sprints we discovered that a lot of the performance was slowed down by the way the acl_contact_cache was used (or rather not used at all).

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By jaapjansma Filed under Drupal 7

The last two days we spent another sprint at socialist party to improve performance.  And again we used a guy with database knowledge to analyze our queries. We have optimized a few things so far one of the major areas to improve next was the ACL part of queries. That is the part of the query to decide which contacts you are allowed to see. So at the socialist party they have local chapter administrator who are only allowed to see the active members in their local area.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Drupal 7

Last week we had a fourth sprint to improve CiviCRM performance at the socialist party. 

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By jaapjansma Filed under Drupal 7

Last week we had our third sprint at the socialist party to improve the performance.  In the previous blogs I have explained what we have done so far. You can read them here and here.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Drupal 7

Three weeks ago I wrote about our quest for performance at the Socialist party. This week we had a follow up sprint and I want to thank you for all the comments on that blog.

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