Blog posts by jaapjansma

Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
By jaapjansma Filed under Community, Extensions, Sprints

The planning of this is an outcome of the unconference we had in Januari in London, with LLR, Amnesty Flanders, MAF Norway, Decaid Consulting and CiviCooP. The aim for this sprint, which last for only one week, is to create a trigger/action functionality for civicrm. E.g. we want a trigger that a donor becomes a member of a group of its total contributions are more than 25.000 euro's.

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By jaapjansma Filed under Extensions
Reviewed version: 1.4 Link Introduction
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By jaapjansma Filed under Extensions
Reviewed version: 1.4 Link: Documentation * My score is 1 star. It is clear what this extension should do. But that is also where the documentation ends. There is no installation/configuration instruction.  Functionality ***
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