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par Anonyme sujet CiviCase
Here's a description I first wrote a few months ago when I was tossing back and forth ideas to build this kind of system in a different context. I've adapted it a bit to suit the current terminology. I originally posted it in the forum, which is where I'd invite you to put your comments. A case management system is basically a big table of activities, which come from various sources. The sources might include: humans entering them into a web form
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Earlier today I had the pleasure of presenting and demonstrating CiviCRM to about 40 people working in the non-profit sector at Connecting Up 2008 (see

This year's conference had a strong focus on the use of social media, and today's keynote speaker was Beth Kanter, who is well known as a trainer, blogger and consultant on how non-profits can make best use of social media (

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Almost 10 days have passed since the Melbourne Developer Boot Camp, but the feeling of being part of an enthusiastic and growing community of CiviCRMers "down under" is still strong.

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Notes from the NTEN Nonprofit Technology Conference, New Orleans, March 19-21, 2008

Notes from the CiviCRM affinity group meeting and the CiviCRM lunch table discussion have links on the bottom of the page Both meetings were very productive.

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Day 1: Technically, day 1 was a fabulous dinner hosted by CiviCRM at Herbsaint in the warehouse district of New Orleans. This is Susan Spicer's restaurant, and it was delicious -- they even made the vegetarian (me) a special-not-on-the-menu meal! We took this time to get to know each other and talk a bit about CiviCRM, what we liked/disliked, and the development community in general.

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If you've implemented CiviCRM, please consider adding a case study to or the forums at,4.0.html. It would be great if you could include detailed descriptions of the implementation (custom fields used, profiles, special menus created for tasks) as well as obstacles, work-arounds, "results".

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Dave Greenberg sent this to the civicrm-dev list, but I don't see it in the blog so I'm posting his message here. -- Judy Hallman

If you're attending (or thinking about attending) NTEN's Non-profit Technology Conference in New Orleans this March - check out these CiviCRM related happenings...

******************************************************** Developer Bootcamp - March 18-19 in New Orleans ********************************************************

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par Anonyme sujet Teams

The results of the first day of our Mumbai meetup were quite impressive. We successfully knocked out around 7-8 issues.

Day two started out with high energy levels. We divided the day into three sessions.

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par Anonyme sujet CiviReport

The Conservation Fund is the nation's foremost environmental nonprofit dedicated to protecting America's most important landscapes and waterways for future generations.

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