
Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
par Eileen sujet Architecture

As our North American colleagues (and those who have made the big trip over there) head into the governance sprint now seems like a good time to recap on product maintenance in CiviCRM. Product maintenance, as I discuss, is the monthly routine processes we do to incorporate patches & contributions into the CiviCRM product.

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par cividesk sujet Training

Join Cividesk on Wednesday, September 26th at 9 am PT/ 10 am MT/ 11 am CT/ 12 pm ET for this informative 2 hour online session that will cover best practices for organizing membership renewals in CiviCRM.  This class is recommended as the next step in your CiviCRM training for those who have taken the "Fundamentals of Membership Management" session. 

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par ErikHommel sujet Community, Meetups

On Tuesday 11 September 2018 we had quite an enjoyable and interesting CiviCRM meetup in Antwerp.


A total of 32 participants gathered at the University of Antwerp Middelheim campus to share their stories around CiviCRM.

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par ErikHommel sujet Community, Teams

Diet Civi is a new "working" group within the CiviCRM community.


Our main objectives are to

improve CiviCRM’s ability to support a variety of different workflows on the common core data model.

define, coordinate, foster, and fund projects to achieve this.


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par guyiac sujet CiviCamp, Training

CiviCamp Hartford 2018 is coming this coming Monday, 9/24, and for only $30 will feature:

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par colemanw sujet Extensions

It's here! Thanks to over $16,000 contributed by 24 individuals and organizations, we are pleased to announce the official release of the Contact Layout Editor. The success of this Make-It-Happen campaign is a tribute to the power of the CiviCRM user community coming together to create something that benefits everyone.

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par cividesk sujet Training

This two hour training session taught by Cividesk is a great introduction to CiviContribute and will help you optimize this module to record and track contributions to your non-profit and improve your interaction with your donors.

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par Eileen sujet Architecture
This blog serves as advance notice of our intention to stop supporting php versions 5.5, 5.6 and our ongoing evaluation of 7.0.   For php 5.5 we intend to end support in January 2019. This is already unsupported by php and we strongly recommend you upgrade off it as soon as possible. The release in February 2019 will be the first release that does not support php 5.5  
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par cividesk sujet Training

Adding custom fields in CiviCRM and understanding how to edit profiles allow you to customize your database to collect and store the data relevant to your non-profit.

Learn best practices for creating custom fields so your data is stored in the most logical place in CiviCRM and how to create online forms and registration pages by adding those custom fields to a profile. Find out more about different uses of profiles in CiviCRM and how you can maximize this powerful feature!

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par mattwire sujet Extensions

Do you need to collect a "real" signature from your contacts and store it on their contact record?

If you use Drupal Webform you can embed an electronic signature directly using the new webform_civicrm_esign module developed by MJW Consulting and Northbridge Digital.

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