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par Anonyme sujet Community

Another bright and breezy day in Edinburgh for our 3rd meet up; a brilliant afternoon programme and we were a good mix of non-users, users and our expert developer Marcus.  

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par genadellett sujet Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute, CiviMail

Just because your nonprofit's email communications are interesting to you (the person who most likely created them!) doesn't mean they will be interesting to your community. Is your call to action clear? Is your imagery inspiring and connected to your content?

Remove the guesswork from your email marketing strategy by using CiviCRM's A/B email testing feature.

Through A/B testing you can evaluate:

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par genadellett sujet Case studies and user stories, CiviCampaign, CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviMail, CiviReport

Your nonprofit doesn't have just one fundraising strategy. You have many. Think events, donor letters and appeals, e-newsletter blasts, planned giving, and capital campaigns. Each of these strategies typically targets a specific segment of your community, even if the funds raised impact the same budget line.

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par genadellett sujet Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute

We all give to causes because we care, but we may care more about the person who's asking us than the cause our money is going to. That's completely fine and completely normal. Nowadays nearly one-third of all online donations come from peer-to-peer campaigns, which are especially effective for Millenials and Gen X. 

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par ErikHommel sujet Extensions, Sprints

CiviRules 2.0 is now available for you all!

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par Anonyme sujet Development Tools, GSoC

Hi everyone! I'm Andy, and I'm working on the OSDI integration project for GSoC 2018. If you want more information about what this project is all about, check out the GitLab here. The source code is here. The OSDI standard is a set of standards for interoperability between products in progressive movements.

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par ErikHommel sujet Extensions

I have just published the Invoice Address API (

The development of the extension was funded by Domus Medica vzw. They are a membership organization specifically for GP's (general practitioner) in Flanders and Brussels.

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par neil sujet CiviCamp

A tapestry of attendee comments…

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par Eileen sujet Extensions

A new geocoder extension released by the Wikimedia Foundation addresses some of the geocoding issues experienced by CiviCRM users.

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par ErikHommel sujet Case studies and user stories, Extensions

At Amnesty International Vlaanderen we are starting a Petition Journey. The aim is to improve the engagement of people that sign a petition for the first time as their first point of contact with Amnesty. We then would like to send them an email with a survey immediately, and then for 5 weeks an email each week.

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