
Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
par ErikHommel sujet CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviMember, Extensions, Finance and Accounting

We are thinking about creating a native CiviCRM extension Someone Else Pays.

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par totten sujet Development Tools, API, Architecture, WordPress

The civicrm-setup library aims to replace the CiviCRM installer. Following the December/January iteration, it's available for use as a CLI installer and as a web-based WordPress installer.

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par cividesk sujet Training

Due to popular demand, I am offering an additional online session of the Fundamentals of Contact Management.  I will be teaching this first in the series of CiviCRM fundamentals classes this Thursday, January 18th from 12 to 2 pm MT.  Click here for more information and/or to register. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, 

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par josh sujet Community

Last year, we overhauled the CiviCRM contributor program, allowing individuals to submit details about their contributions online as well combined the contributor and partner listing. So far this year, we’ve seen an increase in contributions being logged as well as a new revision to site that improves visibility of contributions.

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par cividesk sujet Training

Start out the new year right by learning best practices in CiviCRM!  I am offering all of our "Fundamentals of CiviCRM"  on-line classes during the month of January. We'll get started on Thursday, January 11th at 12 pm MT with the Fundamentals of Contact Management. The remaining weeks will focus on Membership, Events and Contributions, with a 2-hour session on each module.

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par colemanwsujet

Welcome to the December core team update - special holiday edition. There's lots of goodies under the tree and we can't wait for you to open them.

What we've been working on:

The core team is transitioning to a monthly task cycle where we'll publicly set a goal for the month, work on it and report back to the community afterwards. To bring you up to speed on our goals and accomplishments over the past few months:

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par Anonyme sujet Meetups

Scotland joined the civiCRM community in great style at their first meet-up organised by Graham Clarkson of Queensferry Rotary Club and Marcus Wilson of Pooka in the beautiful centre of Edinburgh on Monday 4th December.

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par totten sujet CiviMail, Extensions

During the month of November, we made a concerted effort to stabilize the CiviCRM-Mosaico extension -- addressing several bugs, installation issues, missing features, and testing processes. I'm happy to announce a new beta releases of the Mosaico and FlexMailer extensions for CiviCRM. The updates include ~160 commits from ~15 contributors.

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par petednz sujet Case studies and user stories, CiviEvent, Drupal 7

We had a scenario where client runs a cluster of events, and folk sign up for these, and usually the registrants signs up for all events, but then they might invite mum to the Dinner, and brother John to the Talk, etc etc.

We wanted to achieve this on a single form with a single payment. We explored both CiviCart and Drupal Commerce but in the end concluded we could achieve this in a much lighter way with good old webforms.

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par cividesk sujet Training

Learn best practices for creating and adding custom fields to CiviCRM to store information unique to your organization in a systemized and functional way.  We will then cover the steps to gather this information directly from your constituents on-line through your website by adding a custom field to a profile and including the profile in an on-line page.  We'll also explore other uses for profiles in CiviCRM in this 2-hour training session. 

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