
Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
par ErikHommel sujet Community, Security, Sprints

This morning Jaap and I (both from CiviCooP) took a train to Bonn and walked from the HauptBahnhof to the Systopia offices. Quite a nice sunny morning, met Beethoven on our way!

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par HeatherOliver sujet Partners, CiviMail, Tips, Training

Based on feedback from clients, we're launching a series of Masterclasses this year. They will provide an opportunity for you to deepen your knowledge and skills in a particular area of CiviCRM. These courses will assume that you have a basic understanding of CiviCRM as a Contact Management System.

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par jaapjansma sujet CiviCon, Sprints

This year we had a sprint after CiviCon Cologne. So far I have only been to a sprint in Edale UK. The Germans copied everything from that sprint, remote location with hardly any internet. But with Germans you know it is done well. So the internet was faster (but still slow). The remote location had a bbq place, swimming pool and sauna.

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par Anonyme sujet CiviCon


We were so nervous before and now? Just happened! But it was nice.

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par joshsujet

Over the past 18 months, the CiviCRM Core Team has focused heavily on project sustainability and on balancing our own internal capacity. During that time, our infrastructure has been consistently (and thankfully) managed by Mathieu, a member of the Canada-based partner Coop SymbioTIC.

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par josh sujet Development Tools, Community

Along with the Core Team, several contributors in the community have been testing Gitlab as an overall project management and communications tools for the CiviCRM community. Though it’s still a work in progress, we’re happy to start pushing it out to the broader community in hopes that it can provide a more cohesive platform for project management and community engagement.

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par Anonyme sujet Marketing and Promotion, Statistics

There are between 10,000 and 11,000 organizations worldwide actively using CiviCRM *right now* to manage hundreds of millions of contacts, receive millions of contributions, register millions of people for events, send millions of e-mails - and many other uses. But, stuff happens.

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par cividesk sujet CiviCon

***Before you read on: Did you miss the chance to attend CiviCon St. Louis? Or perhaps you live in Europe? Good News! CiviCon Cologne in Germany will take place June 9, 2017! All the details here

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par cividesk sujet Case studies and user stories

An Interview with the Wisconsin Nonprofits Association

The Wisconsin Nonprofits Association (WNA) is a statewide membership organization with the mission of strengthening Wisconsin’s nonprofits.The association provides public policy information and advocacy on nonprofit issues, access to education and training opportunities, technical assistance and offers a cost-saving package of benefits to their members. The association currently has over 100 organizational members, as well as many individual and for-profit affiliate members and foundation supporters.

Cividesk recently spoke with WNA to learn more about how they made the transition to CiviCRM and how their organization has benefited from using the database.


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par cividesk sujet CiviCon, Sprints

Following what was a successful annual gathering for CiviCRM community at CiviCON St. Louis, the traditional Sprint commenced boasting 35 in attendance including participants from New Zealand, UK, Canada, and folks from all over the US from the east to west coasts. The Sprint is an annual opportunity for the CiviCRM community to come together and work on developing the CiviCRM software in a context that allows face-to-face interaction as opposed to the usual remote work and conversations.

During the Sprint, a number of groups are created to work on different topics such as coding, marketing and documentation for the software.

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