This two hour on-line training on Friday, November 3rd (8 am PT/9 am MT/11 am ET) is perfect for new users of CiviCRM who would like to learn all the basics of CiviMember.
I just published a small extension (funded by Amnesty International Vlaanderen) to prevent the REST API requests still coming through when the site is in maintenance mode.
With the funding environment for nonprofits in Serbia becoming increasingly more fragmented and the choice of technology tools to aid fundraising and advocacy becoming more diverse, Catalyst Balkans saw an opportunity to fill an open niche for a localized CRM targeted to the nonprofit sector in the Western Balkans.
Writing on the train back to London from the CivicCRM Sprint at Duvale Priory in mid-Devon, I can see why some people are willing to travel from across the world for the Sprint: it is a great way to spend a week. I went for the Developer Training, delivered by Parvez and Raj of Veda Consulting. The training was held for two days alongside a week's sprint (5 days + 2 travel days). I stayed for the rest of the Sprint.
London 2017 was my first time at a CiviCon event so not sure what to expect, but I have been to many business conferences over the years. So, what was so different about this one? Essentially, nothing; held in a major city i.e. London, in a conference centre, a welcome desk with a goody bag and a programme, introduction, sessions – you get the picture!
It’s hard to put your finger on why it was different - better - but I am sure it has to do with the ethos of CiviCRM and why the organisers and attendees were there; a shared vision and a unified purpose.
What exactly was different? Well, as soon as I walked into the main conference room, I felt I was amongst friends, like-minded people.
Have you ever wondered whether those Event or Membership Reminders actually get delivered?
And what about those automatic Receipts that go out? Ever wished you could see what the heck was actually being sent?
Well now you can thanks to Fuzion's new extension for transactional mail.
Countdown to CiviCon Canberra, the first CiviCon in the southern hemisphere, is ticking along nicely. Less that 20 sleeps to go.
Very excited to get the sessions nailed down. You can view the list of topics and speakers here.
Keynote speaker will be Caroline Le Couteur, MLA, ACT Greens Member for Murrumbidgee (which means she is an MP for those who don't speak 'strine').