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par ErikHommel sujet CiviCon

Yesterday was the first CiviCon NorthWest Europe in Amsterdam. I thoroughly enjoyed the day, it was inspiring to see the local community being able to organize and support such an event! We had a little over 50 participants from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France.

A great CiviCRM community day in the heart of Amsterdam with:

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par colemanw sujet Documentation

Q: Want to help the new CiviCRM StackExchange site succeed, but don't have spare time/brainpower for answering difficult questions?

A: That's okay! It turns out that the one thing this fledgling site needs the most is also the easiest thing you can do. Voting!

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par Anonyme sujet Drupal 7, Drupal 8+

Thanks to generous contributions from Fuzion and Beat Schnyder from basx GmbH, I was able to put in a few days work over the last month into the Drupal 8 integration module, allowing Drupal 8 and CiviCRM to interoperate.

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par JoeMurray sujet Community, Documentation is launched in beta and thriving as a place to ask and answer questions about CiviCRM. The benefit of the Q&A format is that good questions and good answers can get voted up, and better serve as an expert repository of our community's experience. Search rankings will soon be able to find good relevant answers to everyone's beginner and expert support and development questions.

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par Anonyme sujet GSoC

I am Aka Rolence Achia, a sophomore undergraduate student enrolled for a degree of Bachelor in Computer Engineering at the university of Buea. I have been a member in CiviCRM for about 2 months now and will be participating in GSoC 2015 as a student developer working on the project Social Media Interation with CiviCRM.

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par Anonyme sujet GSoC

Hi, I'm Anudit Verma, a sophomore undergraduate student pursuing Computer Science and Engineering at University School of Information and Communication Technology, in New Delhi, India. I will be working on the Open Supporter Data Interface (OSDI) API implementation into CiviCRM project as a 2015 Google Summer of Code student.

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par Anonyme sujet GSoC

Each month from June - August we will be featuring blog posts from this year's Google Summer of Code students. This will help keep all of you up-to-date on these great projects and also give you an opportunity to follow along and get more involved in ones that you connect with. Click the links below to check in on June's featured projects:

Social Media Integration with CiviCRM II

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par ErikHommel sujet Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute

We received this message yesterday from our friend Steinar at MAF Norge:

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par josh sujet Sustainability

Version 4.6, the latest release of CiviCRM, has been out for just over a month now and for the first time we tied in a fairly concerted effort to encourage contributions during download. With the goal of reaching $5,000 in support, this campaign represented another initiative aimed at bringing CiviCRM as a project to a sustainable point. Given that this had not been attempted before, it was a bit of a test to see how the CiviCRM community would respond. So, how’d we do?

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par totten sujet Architecture, Community

CiviCRM sits in the middle -- exchanging data with your CMS, payment processor, email service, SMS service, spreadsheets, ad nauseum.  CiviCRM is also extremely flexible -- supporting multiple CMSs, multiple payment processors, multiple email providers, multiple SMS providers, ad nauseum.  These are great power features, but they also come with a cost -- complexity.  The on-boarding process for a new organization requires evaluating and configuring a plethora of integration op

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