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par petednz sujet Drupal 7, Drupal 8+

Can you help Fuzion take the Drupal 8 integration module that was developed as part of 2014 Google Summer of Code and get it working with the most recent version of Drupal 8 and publicly available for testing?

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par cividesk sujet Community, Marketing and Promotion

There are many CiviCRM experts around the world. But how do you find them?

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par Anonyme sujet Tips

CRM Data plans refer to documenting agreements on representation, format, definition and structuring of data. Current and future CiviCRM users can utilise it to increase efficiency, knowledge creation and interoperability with other systems.

In order to optimise and future-proof the CRM system, the data structures, in addition to the data itself, need a good re-work. There are two main steps to the process:

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par josh sujet Sustainability

It’s a tad belated I know, but in reality it’s never too late to say thank you for supporting this incredible project. We made a push starting in October 2014 for both partner renewals and new partner additions and can now speak to the results. In the process we received quite a bit of feedback on how to improve the program, a central theme of which is to focus both CiviCRM and partners on growing the entire ecosystem.

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par josh sujet Community, CiviDay

For the past 2 years, the last Wednesday of each January has been earmarked for CiviDay, a worldwide effort to come together and promote all things CiviCRM. This year, CiviDay witnessed 26 events, from virtual meetups to all day affairs, across 13 countries, bringing together newbies and veterans alike to share stories and to learn about CiviCRM and what it can do for organizations everywhere.

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par cividesk sujet Case studies and user stories

Spark Inside is an innovative new charity supporting young people in the criminal justice system to create more meaningful and productive futures through professional life coaching. Our pilot program was met with significant success; an independent evaluation of our one-to-one coaching program with 8 teenage boys leaving prison showed that one year after they had been released, the re-offending rate was 12.5%, compared to the national average of 70%. This year, we expect to offer coaching to 200 young people in prison.

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par yashodha sujet Annonces de nouvelles versions

The team is super excited to announce that the sixth alpha release of CiviCRM 4.6 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.6 sandbox site!

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par ErikHommel sujet Community, Extensions, Make it happen, Sprints

During January and February MAF Norge and Jaap and me from CiviCooP have done the first CiviRules sprint, funded by MAF Norge. Our ambitions where:

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par cividesk sujet Internationalization and Localization, Statistics

This post is the first in a series that will present results from the CiviCRM statistics project. It will focus on better framing the organizations that use CiviCRM. Further posts will explore the technologies used to run CiviCRM, the software development process, the CiviCRM community and communications, and lift the hood on how our statistics are created and processed.

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