Extensions Directory
Les extensions fournissent de nouvelles fonctionnalités CiviCRM. Ce répertoire présente une liste centralisée des extensions créées par la communauté CiviCRM.
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Options Importer Extension allows you to import automatically custom field's options within a CSV file, also you can Delete all options in a
This extension deletes mailings that are unscheduled after a period of days specified.
Cron Plus adds new features to the Schedule Jobs. It can be set the exactly date / time when a job must be executed
Integrate Direct Debit payments using SmartDebit (https://www.smartdebit.co.uk/) with CiviCRM
Payment Processor for Spain's Payment Gateway called Redsys.
Data Explorer aims to provide an easy to use interface that can generate custom visualizations of CiviCRM data. The visualizations can then be added to the CiviCRM Dashboard, shared to external people without access to CiviCRM (using a secret key), or (eventually) as an HTML snippet that can be embedded in website content.
A simple extension to provide a set of "Opt-in" communication preferences for use on forms (instead of the built-in "Opt-Out" fields).
Adds image resizing capability for contact and custom field images. It handles all types of images and will put the images into the directory.
This extension adds functionality to lookup city and province in Belgium after entering a Belgian postcode.
This extension saves old emailaddresses, phone numbers and addresses for contacts in a specific tab (custom group).
Shows how your group has grown (or shrunk!) over time in a chart.
This extension adds google analytics tracking to contribution/event registration pages.
Ensures bounces are recorded for CiviMail when using Mandrill's SMTP servers.