Extensions Directory

Les extensions fournissent de nouvelles fonctionnalités CiviCRM. Ce répertoire présente une liste centralisée des extensions créées par la communauté CiviCRM.

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En plus des extensions qui s'installent directement dans CiviCRM et fonctionnent avec tous les CMS affichés ci-dessous, vous pouvez explorer les répertoires des extensions qui sont faites spécifiquement pour :

Update the activity status after a search on activities.
There is no limit on how many activities could be updated.
Installations: 6
Displays a contact’s Job Title with their current employer on the Contact Relationships tab.
Installations: 5
This extension makes the checksum of the contact available for exporting.
Installations: 5
Clone existing event registration
Installations: 5
The recurring contribution search adds a custom search to CiviCRM in which a user can search for recurring contributions.
Installations: 5
Grants access for event creators to view or edit their events' participants.
Installations: 5
CallHub is a hosted phone banking service that enables your staff to talk with your contacts over the phone banking campaign and store notes about the call. This extension integrates CallHub with CiviCRM by posting call dispositions and notes as CiviCRM activities attached to the contact record and assigned to the relevant staff person's record.
Installations: 5
Installations: 5
Customize CiviCRM's QuickSearch
Installations: 4
This extension will allow Admins to create popup windows with any content, to any user, on any particular page.
Installations: 4
CiviCRM's Advanced Search features the ability to view the results of an advanced search on a map. To do so, go to advanced search, select some contacts, and click the bulk option to "Map Contacts".
Installations: 4
The Database Health Report  provides you with a snapshot of your CiviCRM database's usage. It reports the last login time and number of contacts and activities modified by each user. WIth this report, you can evaluate the effectiveness of staff trainings, or get a quick glimpse into which users are active and who may need more prodding.
Installations: 4
Optionally sends an additional email to each event participant immediately upon registration.
Installations: 3