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By yashodha Filed under Security Releases
CiviCRM 3.4.4 and 4.0.4 has just been released and both are available for download. This release fixes security vulnerabilities in the 3.4.3 / 4.0.3 release, helping to harden your system. We recommend you upgrade immediately to realize these improvements. You can also try them out on the public demos: Drupal 6 / Drupal 7 and Joomla 1.5 / Joomla 1.6 sites. The newest CiviCRM versions are: 4.0.4 for Drupal 7 and Joomla 1.6 3.4.4 for Drupal 6 and Joomla 1.5
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By Névtelen Filed under Training

For the past two days Michael McAndrew and I have been working on a training program for CiviCRM. We haven't finished it, but feel free to take a look at what we've done so far in this Google doc.

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By Névtelen Filed under CiviMember, Extensions, Joomla

Want to control the Joomla ACL depending on a user’s membership status?

Version 2 of the Joomla CiviCRM Membership Authentication Plugin does precisely this for Joomla 1.6 and CiviCRM 4.0 users. 

Allows users to login with either their username or email address

Uses the Joomla user table to authenticate

Checks that that user has a current CiviCRM membership record

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By EileenFiled under

The target for the 'multiple contact subtypes' Make-it-Happen has just been reached thanks to a great bunch of donors.


Thanks to

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By yashodhaFiled under
CiviCRM 3.4.3 and 4.0.3 has just been released and both are available for download. You can also try them out on the public demos: Drupal 6 / Drupal 7 and Joomla 1.5 / Joomla 1.6 sites. The newest CiviCRM versions are: 4.0.3 for Drupal 7 and Joomla 1.6 3.4.3 for Drupal 6 and Joomla 1.5
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By Névtelen Filed under Drupal 7

My UK based organisation the Association for Learning Technology launched a brand new web site on 20 April based on Drupal 6 and CiviCRM. We are very pleased indeed with the overall result and having all our membership process now running within a unified web-based environment we've been able to reduce transaction costs and give our individual and organisational members a much better service all round.

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By Névtelen Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviCase, Joomla

I have been leveraging the CiviCase component of CiviCRM to help a crisis response organization transition to a paperless process.  I was originally tasked with "fixing" a Microsoft implementation of a custom web application written in VBScript and MS SQL Server but after fighting with the former developers horrible code I finally decided to migrate the system over to an open source LAMP implementation leveraging J! 1.5 and CiviCRM 3.1.


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By colemanw Filed under API, Drupal 7, Extensions

Fans of Webform CiviCRM Integration will be happy to hear that version 2 is now available for testing. And if you're not already a fan of that module, this might put you over the edge.

With version 1, you were able to:

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By JoeMurrayFiled under

Are you interested in open source collaboration on how to use ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) software for data migrations into CiviCRM?

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories

Our customer De Goede Woning in Apeldoorn (The Netherlands) has formally gone live with CiviCRM as their customer information software. It is as far as I know the first Dutch social housing corporation to use CiviCRM.

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