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By colemanw Filed under Case studies and user stories, Extensions

Like many others who have no doubt gone before me, I found myself spending a large chunk of time this week finding and merging duplicate contacts. Civi's deduping UI has gotten a lot better lately, and I love having the ability to go through it more quickly than before. But deduping is only as good as the queries it runs, and of course prevention is better than cleanup.

Here are some observations of how all those dupes in my DB got created:

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By jamie Filed under API, Drupal 7
I hope Michal will forgive me for typing during his Developer training presentation on tests. Since I heard the presentation at CiviCon, I instead tried, as an exercise based on what we learned this morning, to create a custom group and custom field via the install hook in a Drupal module. Here are the results...
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By jamieFiled under

After a big conversation at the coding sprint, we seem to be in consensus about transitioning CiviCRM's revision control system from using subversion to using git.

If you are a user or integrator that installs CiviCRM by downloading the zip or tar ball from the CiviCRM site, this transition won't affect you in any way.

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By totten Filed under Interface and design, Sprints

Several CiviCRM users have expressed an interest in managing CiviCRM activities with a smooth, interactive calendar screen.  Since calendaring can be a complex topic, we've put together a basic, working calendar to facilitate discussion.  The prototype resembles the calendar included in other relationship-management tools:

Calendar screenshot

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By jamie Filed under API, Sprints

If you've ever configured a schedule task (aka cron job) for CiviCRM, you know the routine. You have to look up the username and password for a user in your database that has database permissions, you have to find a really long mess of characters known as your site key, you have to find the proper name of the job you want (like UpdateAddress.php or civimail.cronjob.php) and then you must string them all together in precisely the right way to make the cron job.

What a tedious drag.

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By Névtelen Filed under Documentation

I´m Abril from Mexico City, I´m working in Alternativas y Capacidades, a civil society organization that was founded in 2002  to contribute to Mexico’s social development, by strengthening civil society organizations and grant makers, working towards a favorable environment for their professionalization, promoting their advocacy capacities and encouraging inter-sectoral collaboration.

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By Névtelen Filed under Documentation

We've been working hella hard on the sprint so far and yesterday was no exception!  at least for the book sprinters, the coders went off on a social to Stamford castle.  Although they weren't out of contact for long, we met up with them on IRC while they stopped for a Costa coffee "Come for the coffee, stay for the WiFi" or so the saying goes .  

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