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By Eileen Filed under Extensions, Release announcements, Security Releases, Security

IATS has been a payment processor extension with CiviCRM for quite a while and has been actively developed & supported. If you are using the IATS extension you can say a quiet thank you to Alan, Karin & Stephen & stop reading.


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By ayduns Filed under CiviCon
So the good old British summer is looking a wash-out but you can still cheer yourself up by booking bargain tickets for the autumn excitement that is CiviCon London 2015.   Early bird discounts are available for just a few more days so book now and don't miss out.  
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By cividesk Filed under Training

Cividesk will be offering on-line classes for new users (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contribution management) during the month of August.  Classes are two hours in length and are limited in size to allow for questions from students throughout the session.

Click here to see a class schedule for August and to access registration information.

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By petednz Filed under Drupal 7, Drupal 8+

Drupal 8 is likely to be released around September. Fuzion have been driving the initiative to have CiviCRM ready to roll when Drupal 8 is released and there have already been some generous sponsors for our work to help get us this far.

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is super excited to announce that CiviCRM 4.6.5 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.6 demo site.

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By pkeogan Filed under Marketing and Promotion, Tips

I am often asked by our clients to help with hire a CiviCRM administrator.  This can be a new hire or a promotion of someone within the organization.  Although every organization has specific needs, I've found the below job description to be helpful as a starting point.  Hopefully you can find it helpful as well.


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By colemanw Filed under Extensions, Interface and design

At the code sprint after CiviCon Denver, Tyrell Cook and I tackled some much-needed updates to Civi's wysiwyg system. A wysiwyg editor (what you see is what you get) is the mini word processor you use to compose emails, activities, notes, and other rich-text in CiviCRM forms.

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By JoeMurray Filed under CiviMail

Many organizations use MailChimp, SendGrid or SocketLabs email integrations to ensure their emails are delivered with whitelisting and lower load on their servers. Switching to Mandrill can dramatically reduce the cost of these services.

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By Névtelen Filed under Case studies and user stories

The National Workers Union is a small trade union based in Trinidad and Tobago.  For those whose geography is not so good, we are the southern most Caribbean island.  On a map, we are a little dot just 11 miles off the coast of Venezuela.

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