In the summer of 2007, I was in my fourth year of volunteering for a very small organization, Friends of Georgia State Parks & Historic Sites. At the time, the organization had about 20 chapters statewide and just around 1,000 members. The spreadsheets that managed all these names and addresses had become too cumbersome and, as a tech-head from HP, I was asked to see if I could do anything about it.
Message from Steinar (MAF Norge)
CiviRules is live and doing effective automation!
Hi, I am Vishal Agarwal a fourth year undergraduate student pursuing Computer Science And Engineering at IIT-Bombay, a Google Summer Of Code student for the year 2015.
The Women's Fund of Santa Barbara (WFSB) is a collective donor group that enables women to combine their charitable donations into significant grants focused on the critical needs of women, children and families in Santa Barbara. The organization is run exclusively by a team of volunteers. Cividesk spoke with Mary Garton, Susan Robeck and Julie Capritto about making the transition to CiviCRM and how this solution has changed the way they manage their organization.
Per Dave Greenberg's suggestion, soliciting suggestions on state changes/plan to complete this MIH (parts 2 & 3 here:
Cividesk will be offering beginner-level CiviCRM training classes in July. Each two-hour training session focuses in depth on one topic (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions). Class size is kept small to allow for Q&A.
Find out how to use all the new 4.6 features and read the re-vamped Events chapter at
First the formalities...
Thank you to the people who contributed to this update including Joanne Chester, Maya Gibb, Roshani Kothari, Michael McAndrew, Joe Murray, Kate Sneed, Galata Tona and any others I have forgotten to mention.
Now for an explanation...
The campaign module already provides an easy to use interface to manage simple campaigns and link contributions, activities, etc. to them. However, analyzing the outcome or planning more complex campaigns is currently not possible in CiviCRM, but these tools are essential to a strategic fundraising approach.
Hi! I am Utkarsh Sharma, a third year undergraduate student studying Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay. I am working on the project Email Preview Cluster for CiviCRM and this blogpost talks about the same. I’m being mentored by Tim Otten for this project.
It’s June and the rare blasts of sunshine mean it’s summer for us Brits - and so the Wimbledon tennis-fest is nearly upon us. If you don’t already have court tickets you can expect to pay a small fortune for them, or if all that Murray-mania is not your thing, then don’t despair! We have something even better to offer you: centre-court tickets for the highlight of the UK Civi year - CiviCon London 2015.