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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

When Home Builders Foundation of Metro Denver was faced with fatal database errors during a CiviCRM upgrade, they did not know how to deal with this issue.

The Home Builders Foundation’s missions to provide accessibility solutions and home modifications for individuals with disabilities and financial need through the collaborated efforts of the building industry. Having completed nearly 1,200 projects since 1993, the Foundation operates with a staff of two and a minuscule budget. They could not afford the services of a CiviCRM consultant to repair their database and proceed with the upgrade.

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By Eileen Filed under Release announcements

The team is excited to announce the fifth stable release of the incredible CiviCRM 4.5 series. This release includes some important fixes, and is recommended for everyone using CiviCRM 4.5.

» Issues fixed in 4.5.4

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By Detlev Filed under Meetups

CiviCRM-Anwender, -Implementierer und -Interessierte zusammenbringen: Seit 2 Jahren veranstaltet Software für Engagierte e.V. mehr oder weniger regelmäßig in verschiedenen deutschen Städten CiviCRM-Treffen, wo in einem Rahmen von ca. 2 Stunden CiviCRM-bezogene Fragen miteinander besprochen werden können.

In Berlin treffen wir uns einigermaßen regelmäßig, immer am letzten Donnerstag eines ungeraden Monats.

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By bgm Filed under Meetups

The CiviCRM Montreal meetups are back, don't miss the next meetup, on Wednesday November 19th! This time we are also hosting a community "clinic" from 5pm to 6pm. Evaluating CiviCRM for your organisation? Questions on day to day usage, administration or development? We will do our best to answer. First come, first served! Please register as soon as possible, so that we may plan the event accordingly.

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By cividesk Filed under Case studies and user stories

An interview with the French Chamber of Commerce in Mexico

The French-Mexican Chamber of Commerce promotes business development between France and Mexico by offering services to their members and the community and coordinating events which strengthen French-Mexican business alliances.  The Chamber began using CiviCRM in the summer of 2013 as a new Cividesk customer. Julie Riotte, director of the Chamber, and Hajer Najjar, assistant director, recently spoke with Cividesk about their experience with CiviCRM.

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By colemanw Filed under Drupal 7

Thanks to sponsorship from Amnesty Intl. Spain and GMCVO the Webform-Integration module now has 4 new features available for you to try out:

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By yashodha Filed under Release announcements

The team is excited to announce the fourth stable release of the incredible CiviCRM 4.5 series. This release includes some important fixes, and is recommended for everyone using CiviCRM 4.5.

» Issues fixed in 4.5.3

We are also releasing 4.4.9 today which is the first full 4.4 LTS release and has a number of fixes as well as the security fixes.

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By colemanw Filed under Documentation

As you may have heard, CiviCRM is about to launch an exciting new help site on Stack Exchange, which will make getting support with CiviCRM easier and more effective.

The new site is about to launch, but the initial "beta" phase will only be available to a limited group of people. This pilot group will have unprecidented access to world's top CiviCRM experts, and it's not too late for you to join them.

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By totten Filed under Architecture, Release announcements

In recent blog posts, we've expanded the long-term support effort to 4.4, discussed the release window (first and third Wednesday of each month), and experimented with release-candidates

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By Anonimo Filed under Meetups

On Thursday, October 30th Web Access, Lighthouse Consulting and Design, and The Association Development Group (ADG) hosted the first ever Albany area CiviCRM meetup. Since this was the first of its kind in the area we were unsure of what to expect. We could not have been more pleased at how the event unfolded. 

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