Generously funded by Zing, Civicon London will see the launch of new functionality enabling Civi to handle recurring events and much more. Rather than being restricted to ‘one-off’ events, Civi will now handle far more complex scenarios.
Back in March of this year, Max Hunter wrote a compelling blog post about CiviCRM's shift to a member-supported project, citing its changing ecosystem, budget requireme
For over 15 years, NDItech has been in the business of developing technologies for development. One of our newest pet projects is called DemTools, or the Democracy Toolkit. DemTools is a set of four webapps to solve some of the most common problems our global partners experience: civic organizing, managing constituent relationships, tracking election data and fostering civic debates.
The team is super excited to announce that the eighth beta release of CiviCRM 4.5 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.5 sandbox site!
The 4.5 Documentation Dash,held on Sunday, July 27th and Monday July 28th, was a remote sprint designed to finish documenting all the new features coming up in CiviCRM 4.5 and finalise the restructured Membership section. With typical CiviCRM flexibility people worked on issues before, during and after the designated Dash days.
Good testing is critical for providing quality software. Some testing is always manual but writing automated tests to do the heavy lifting is a key part of modern coding practices. For developers, the discipline of writing automated tests helps to proactively identify and control edge-cases, and regularly running tests helps to identify problems quickly (before they grow and cause greater harm).
I am Yashodha Chaku, one of the core team members of CiviCRM. I stumbled into the Civi-world quite by chance. After graduating from college with Bachelors in Computers Science I happened to join Web Access (which hosts a Civi team in India) in 2006 and started working on CiviCRM. When I started off CiviCRM was in its nascent stages (1.4 I guess) and it has come a long way ever since.
Mthulisi Ncube, Data Coordinator at MSF South Africa says: “We are working closely with our service provider Ixiam who have helped us customise CiviCRM. MSF South Africa has been using CiviCRM for over a year now to store and manage all our fundraising contacts and donor database.
Kabissa is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1999. Our mission is to help African civil society organizations to put Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to work for the benefit of their communities.
Cividesk will offer on-line CiviCRM training sessions in September on Contacts, Events and Contribution management. All sessions are two hours in length and are designed for new users or as a refresher course for those already working in CiviCRM.
Contact Management: September 9th, 9:00 - 11:00 am (Mountain Standard Time) Click here to register.