The DC 2014 CiviCRM User Summit is quickly approaching. The finalized schedule and list of sessions and times can be found on the DC 2014 CiviCRM User Summit website,
Contributed by Christie Wentz, Executive Director of Drug Free Pennsylvania, Inc
The team is super excited to announce that the third beta release of CiviCRM 4.5 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.5 sandbox site!
"...not on those days."
"...I am very new to CiviCRM."
"...I don't understand what I need to do."
Read more for answers to you concerns.
Join us during our Documentation Dash (remote sprint) on Sunday 27th July and Monday 28th July to help get the new edition of the User and Administrator Guide ready for release at the same time as the stable version of 4.5.
Reports are one of the primary ways staff get perspective on data in CiviCRM. Fundraisers can see month-on-month giving patterns. Event coordinators can review attendance levels at their last three events. And Communications teams can see which email inspired the most people to take action on a recent petition.
The team is super excited to announce that the second beta release of CiviCRM 4.5 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.5 sandbox site!
Hi I am Aditya Nambiar, and I am currently working on Visualization for Mailing Stats and A/B Testing which is my GSOC 2014 project. I am at the midterm stage of my project and would like to share the progress I have currently made. Please do give your valuable feedback and suggestions. Here is the link to my previous blog
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Hi, I'm Siddhant Rajagopalan, a second year undergraduate student studying CSE from IIT Bombay.
I am currently working on improving the usability of CiviMail as my GSoC 2014 project. We are at around the midterm stage of the project, this post is to get feedback on the progress made.