Support CiviCRM

Help CiviCRM do a world of good

We are committed to keeping CiviCRM free and open, forever. We depend on your support to help make that happen.

"When you support CiviCRM, you empower organizations seeking to make real and lasting change around the world. You give not only to CiviCRM, you give through CiviCRM."

Donald Lobo, Co-founder & project adviser

Make It Happen: CiviCRM Development Projects

Make It Happen (MIH) campaigns are spun around new features and improvements in CiviCRM. Driven by the community, MIH campaigns are CiviCRM’s form of crowdfunding! Have an itch? Help scratch it. Together, we will keep CiviCRM going from strength to strength.

Process payments through highly customizable forms.
Allows users to edit card information directly in CiviCRM when processing payments with Stripe.
Easily use native CiviCRM forms on remote sites with a powerful drag-n-drop form editor.

Become a CiviCRM partner

Support the project and show the world that you're a CiviCRM expert!

  • Listing on CiviCRM
  • Business promotion through CiviCRM
  • Help direct the project
  • Receive inquiries
  • Event & sponsor discounts
  • Core Team rate discounts