Blog posts by ErikHommel

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories, Extensions

At Amnesty International Vlaanderen we are starting a Petition Journey. The aim is to improve the engagement of people that sign a petition for the first time as their first point of contact with Amnesty. We then would like to send them an email with a survey immediately, and then for 5 weeks an email each week.

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviCamp, Community, Sprints

Just arrived back home after spending a few days with the CiviCRM community in Brussels. And as always I really enjoyed myself and returned inspired and full of inspiration.

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviMember, Extensions, Finance and Accounting

We are thinking about creating a native CiviCRM extension Someone Else Pays.

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By ErikHommel Filed under API, Extensions

I just published a small extension (funded by Amnesty International Vlaanderen) to prevent the REST API requests still coming through when the site is in maintenance mode.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Community, Security, Sprints

This morning Jaap and I (both from CiviCooP) took a train to Bonn and walked from the HauptBahnhof to the Systopia offices. Quite a nice sunny morning, met Beethoven on our way!

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By ErikHommel Filed under Community, Extensions, Make it happen

Some of you will know, use and might even love the CiviRules extension. We certainly do! Quite a few of the organizations we support with their CiviCRM stuff use and love it, and judging by the question on StackExchange and issues and pull requests on GitHub quite a few more do too!

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By ErikHommel Filed under Development Tools, CiviContribute, Extensions, Finance and Accounting

This little story about financial transactions has a couple of objectives: 1. share what we want to do for the benefit of each and everyone 2. find out if there are more organisations out there that would be interested 3. even better, organisations out there that want to co-fund and influence! If you are interested and want to co-contribute, drop either Björn ( or me ( a mail!

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By ErikHommel Filed under Community

This year we had the second CiviCon in North West Europe, which was in Woerden this year, a small town near Utrecht in The Netherlands.

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By ErikHommel Filed under API, Case studies and user stories, Extensions, WordPress

Our customer Werk met Zin (Network of job coaches in Flanders) has a Wordpress site and uses CiviCRM to manage their relations and cases. On their Wordpress site they allow users to register for some events, which they solve with the civicrm event info and registration pages.

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviCon

Last year saw the first CiviCon North West Europe, and this year there will be a sequence! The date is 26 May and the event will take place in Woerden, The Netherlands.

CiviCon North West Europe is THE place to:

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