Blog posts by ErikHommel

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute

We received this message yesterday from our friend Steinar at MAF Norge:

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviCon

Great to read all the feedback from CiviCon Denver and the sprint in the blogs and on social media. It confirms that CiviCon is THE conference where users, developers, supporters and fans of CiviCRM meet each other, share knowledge and swap stories. It is the best spot to get inspired and gain insights into the possibilities of CiviCRM!

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By ErikHommel Filed under Community, Extensions, Make it happen, Sprints

During January and February MAF Norge and Jaap and me from CiviCooP have done the first CiviRules sprint, funded by MAF Norge. Our ambitions where:

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories, CiviContribute

(My name, but blog is actually from MAF Norge's Steinar Sødal)

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

This week Jaap and me were working on the first CiviRules sprint, funded by MAF Norge. As you have problably read (and if not you should :-) in Jaap's earlier blog post he has been working on API's to send Emails, SMS and PDF letters. In the meantime I have created a first database scheme for CiviRules, hacked some basic DAO's and BAO's together and started working on the first forms. Preview of the screen included :-)

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions

We have just created an extension for MAF Norge that produces an XML file for the tax authorities with the deductible amount for the year for each donor. With a little configuration customization (detailed in the documentation on GitHub) it can be used by any Norwegian organization that has to produce this file every year. MAF Norge is currently testing the extension.

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By ErikHommel Filed under CiviContribute, Extensions, Make it happen, Sprints

In 2014 MAF Norge funded CiviCooP developing the TriggerAction extension ( to assist them with automated Donor Journeys in CiviCRM.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Case studies and user stories, Community

My name is Erik Hommel, 51 years old. I live in the Netherlands in a small village called Brummen(between Apeldoorn and Arnhem) with my wife Floor, our 2 youngest children and four Siamese cats. Our 2 oldest kids have either left home or are in the process of doing so. My working career in ICT started in 1988 as an RPG programmer on the IBM S/38.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Extensions, Sprints

Last year we worked together with MAF Norway on the TriggerAction extension to help them with their fundraising donor journeys. They were able to find some initial funding so we developed like mad for a week to be able to start. The TriggerAction extension was a result of that hard work, and MAF Norway presented this at the London CiviCon on 25th September 2014.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Community

CiviCooP just received it's yearly bookkeeping report and as it turns out there is still some money left after all CiviCooP participants got paid for their work and our costs (marketing, website, CiviCRM partnership, community, administration) are paid. So we decided to donate the rest (roughly about 2000 euro) to the CiviCRM community. Speaking to Michael McAndrew and Dave Greenberg we will contribute to the Continuous Integration project, which is pretty technical so hard to fund.

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