Blog posts by Anonymous

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By Anonymous Filed under CiviCamp, Community, Sprints, Training

This is a quick post to let you know about events we're planning in the UK later this year. We'll be confirming more details soon- but please save the dates.

Admin Training, ManchesterWednesday and Thursday 29th and 30th NovemberSt Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green Manchester M12 6FZ

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By Anonymous Filed under Drupal 7

Using Drush with Drupal is standard practice for most developers, but since CiviCRM support was removed, many find themselves having to switch between separate command-line tools for each environment.

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By Anonymous Filed under CiviEvent, Drupal 7

Combining the power of Drupal Commerce with the flexibility of CiviEvent, Skvare’s team of experts developed the Commerce CiviCRM Event Registration module allowing website managers to build a storefront that includes both events and merchandise.

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By Anonymous Filed under CiviEvent, Extensions

No two events are alike. From conferences to performances, the need for event registration is as different as the activities. That’s why Skvare’s expert developers have contributed the Event Registration Button Label extension for CiviCRM.

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By Anonymous Filed under Drupal 7

People are at the heart of any organization, whether it’s volunteers, students, or clients, and getting the most out of your technology can help organize them to better accomplish your goals.

Drupal websites have leveraged the power of webforms through the CiviCRM Webform module to gather user information, for scheduling and other automated jobs. The one thing missing — user account creating.

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By Anonymous Filed under Extensions

Gift Aid is important for UK charities, and means millions of pounds extra go to the charity sector. Each time an eligible tax payer donates and forgets to tick the Gift Aid box, the charity misses out.

Over the years the GiftAid extension for CiviCRM has evolved and we are now reviewing it to ensure the process is easy for donors to make a declaration and to ensure that administrators can process GiftAid claims easily and with confidence.

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By Anonymous Filed under Meetups
Come to the Asia/Pacific CiviCRM meet-up on 26th November 2020

This is an open invitation for everyone in the Asia/Pacific region to join other Australians, New Zealanders etc. on-line to catch-up and discuss all things CiviCRM. If you are a CiviCRM user, developer or casual user with questions, then you are most welcome to join us.

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By Anonymous Filed under Meetups
Come to the Asia/Pacific CiviCRM meet-up on 22nd October 2020

This is an open invitation for everyone in the Asia/Pacific region to join other Australians, New Zealanders etc. on-line to catch-up and discuss all things CiviCRM. If you are a CiviCRM user, developer or casual user with questions, then you are most welcome to join us.

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By Anonymous Filed under Community, Sustainability

First of all, it’s been a huge privilege for me to be able to attend the Global Community Summit in Barcelona and all of us here agree that first and foremost we owe this to the amazing team at iXiam for organising a fantastic event!

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By AnonymousFiled under

Hi Everyone,I am a 2020 student of Google Summer of Code (GSoC), and have been contributing my time to the CiviCRM project. I’m back with another post regarding my GSoC journey so far. This is my final week and I’m really glad that I made it till the end.

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