Hello All! This Blog is in continuation to my previous blog. This is the final blog of my project and I will try to summarise all the work, I have done during the Probots and GitLab to GitHub Integration Project. I will also share my amazing experience with the CiviCRM team and especially my mentors Eileen McNaughton and Saurabh Batra.
Blog posts by Anonymous
Hello all, this blog is a continuation of my previous blog. This month we were able to achieve most of our targets with a very healthy community discussion as well. We added more features related to only GitHub code-base and we moved on to GitLab and GitHub Integration as well. Let me explain to you the main features we added during this period in a brief.
Wrapping up the first phase of GSoC, I am summarizing work done in the past one month. I have been working on the Outlook365 extension, initially developed by Jaap. Outlook365 enables users to query CiviCRM as an address book when using either Microsoft Outlook 365 Web and Desktop clients.
Hello all, This blog is in continuation to my previous blog https://civicrm.org/blog/kartik1000/gsoc-project-probots-and-gitlab-github-integration where I explained my project aims and how I plan to proceed towards each task. After 1 month of my project, I felt it would be great to summarise the tasks I have completed and what I plan to do within the next month.
Hi Everyone!, I am Kartik Kathuria and I will be working on the Project Probots and GitLab to GitHub Integration during the Summer with CiviCRM as part of GSoC. My mentors during the project are Eileen McNaughton and Saurabh Batra. I am really happy with the CiviCRM community as all the people here are quite active and helpful as well.
For a nonprofit, raising enough funds to do the most good is at the forefront of goal setting this new year. Direct and recurring donations have always been time-proven and effective ways to achieve this goal. But how can a nonprofit differentiate themselves and maximize the revenue available to aid their cause? Adding an e-commerce store with profitable products that both connect to your organization’s vision and add funds to fuel your efforts can be a game-changer.
CiviCamp London wasn't my first rodeo.
I’ve been a Civi user for about 5 years had been along to CiviCamp Leeds earlier in the year. But, London was particularly exciting for me personally as I was a week into my new job at that point, and seeing things differently from a new organisations perspective.
Tis the season of Holiday fundraisers, face to face gatherings & last but not least the season of giving!
With so many live events going on, it’s the perfect time for you to take advantage of mobile payment processing to maximize face to face fundraising and reach or surpass your fundraising goals this year.