Due to a scheduling conflict, the 2nd Community Round Table originally scheduled for July 13th will be postponed 2 weeks and will be held on July 27th. Additional information will be forthcoming. Sorry for any confusion!
Watch part 3 of Skvare's training series on the CiviCRM Entity Drupal module.
Caldera Forms & add-ons will be sunset/retired on 31 Dec 2021 by the company behind caldera forms.
Josh here with the CiviCRM Core Team. Each January we publish an annual report that highlights our past operational and financial performance as well as our plans for the coming year.
The duper extension provides a bunch of tools to help with deduping. In this blog I’m going to describe a way that I am now using search kit in the deduper to help make one of those tools more useful.
Last week a number of community members worked on a digital sprint to improve the Developer Guide. The sprint was organised by CiviCooP (https://civicoop.org).
Watch part 2 of Skvare's training series on the CiviCRM Entity Drupal module.
Did you ever dream of a simple and flexible way to get data from CiviCRM shown on a nice interactive map on your WordPress site? Or you need to do this on a remote website different from where your CiviCRM is installed? Or you prefer a map like this that is not using Google Maps? Then you will love the new Leaflet Map / CiviCRM integration plugin by Jaap Jansma.
Today we had our video con about caldera forms. (See announcement) and this blog is a summary of our conversation.
Thanks everybody who joined. I liked the fact that we had various ideas and opinions on how to proceed. This shows for me how diverse our community is and I do love that!
The CiviCRM Community Council and CiviCRM Core Team are putting together quarterly meetings and invite you to attend. Dubbed ‘Community Round Tables’, these online meetings are intended to provide attendees with general project updates as well as an opportunity for Q&A and general feedback with the Community Council, the Core Team, and community members at large.