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By bgm Filed under Internationalization and Localization, Meetups

CiviCRM is available in over 25 languages, thanks for the many efforts of hundreds of translators around the world, but also from CiviCRM developers who have made sure that the texts in the software can be translated and adapted to differents regions.

Occasionally, a feature or a piece of text might not be in the correct language, usually because of a bug in how the code was written.

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By Eileen Filed under Interface and design

Prepare for CiviCRM 5.31 now - changes could affect customisations

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By Anonymous Filed under Community, Sustainability

First of all, it’s been a huge privilege for me to be able to attend the Global Community Summit in Barcelona and all of us here agree that first and foremost we owe this to the amazing team at iXiam for organising a fantastic event!

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By EileenFiled under

For the past few weeks I have been sending a dev digest to the dev-civicrm mailing list at the end of each week (subscribe here). The dev digest is a mix of what's being worked on, what proposals people are looking for input on, what we need review or help with, or just whatever bubbles to the top.

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By ErikHommel Filed under Community

In my previous blogpost on the Community Council and Sociocracy 3.0 (S3) I told you that we are studying and applying S3 to our community processes. In today’s little story I will focus on two important concepts in S3: driver and domain. And we are dying to get your feedback!

First of all, let me explain one aspect of our growing appreciation of S3 for our community:

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By EileenFiled under

Deduper extension release 1.4

Release 1.4 of the deduper extension is now released. This contains a number of additional resolvers that the Wikimedia Foundations uses to enable more duplicate contacts to be merged without manual intervention.

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By AnonymousFiled under

Hi Everyone,I am a 2020 student of Google Summer of Code (GSoC), and have been contributing my time to the CiviCRM project. I’m back with another post regarding my GSoC journey so far. This is my final week and I’m really glad that I made it till the end.

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By Anonymous Filed under GSoC

Hello All! This Blog is in continuation to my previous blog. This is the final blog of my project and I will try to summarise all the work, I have done during the Probots and GitLab to GitHub Integration Project. I will also share my amazing experience with the CiviCRM team and especially my mentors Eileen McNaughton and Saurabh Batra.

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By jamieFiled under

At the Progressive Technology Project, we have been struggling with getting our mass emails out more quickly for quite some time. However, since we went from 5.13 ESR to 5.21 things seemed to have gotten worse. And there is no change with the latest 5.27 ESR. After countless hours trying to sift through all the factors (of course there are way more factors then just the CiviCRM core version!), I'm turning to the community for ideas.

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By justinfreeman Filed under Community, Meetups

This is an open invitation for everyone in the Asia/Pacific region to join other Australians, New Zealanders etc. on-line to catch-up and discuss all things CiviCRM. If you are a CiviCRM user, developer or casual user with questions, then you are most welcome to join us.The meeting is only 1 hour and has a set agenda (depending on number of people attending this may be shortened).

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