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par Eileen sujet Architecture

For many years CiviCRM has had the capability to log all actions that take place in the database but while it mostly works well there have been a few issues. I looked into these recently and came up with some improvements, which shipped in 4.7.7 - but if you want to take advantage of them there are some actions you might need to take. This article is mostly intended for a technical audience.


How does CiviCRM logging work?

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par joshsujet

CiviCRM is more than a software application. It’s an ecosystem of organizations and individuals that build and use software to make a meaningful difference. It’s a community that does a world of good. Community is everything at CiviCRM.

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par josh sujet Community, Sustainability, Teams

The Core Team has spent the past six months assessing its capacity, managing a cultural transition, and overseeing the CiviCRM project in a post-founder environment that requires a different approach to economic sustainability. The challenges and opportunities presented by this transition can’t be overstated. We’re confident that, with strong community support, we can evolve CiviCRM into a model open source project.

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par Anonyme sujet Community, Make it happen

Giving back to my community is a core of who I am and it gives me purpose. That is why I love being a contributor to CiviCRM. Volunteerism is how I discovered the power of CiviCRM. As a past board member of the Webster Groves School District Foundation, they reached out to me in 2009 to evaluate their need to review their engagement with eTapestry. I decided to do my research to look for alternative solutions available to understand our options.

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par cividesk sujet WordPress

Are you a CiviCRM and WordPress administrator?

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par cividesk sujet CiviCon

With around 75 people in attendance, boasting a variety of end users, developers and implementers representing countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and various states from across the US, CiviCon Colorado 2016 was the place to be!

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par Eileensujet

At the beginning of this year I announced the intention of the LTS team to support 4.6 as the next LTS and we are committed to keeping 4.6 secure until one year after we stopped supporting 4.4 - ie. the end of January 2017. As with 4.4 the level of support will tail off as key contributors move off 4.6. At this stage we are still getting a large number of fixes for 4.6 and expect to see monthly point releases continuing for the rest of the year.


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par Eileen sujet Annonces de nouvelles versions

We have replaced the 4.6.17 release with a 4.6.18 release. This addresses some 4.6.17 regressions that notably affect CiviVolunteer and the estimating groups count on the mailing screen. There was also a pdf creation related error. The issues are to do with 4.6.17 security backports from 4.7 that missed something out.


If you have not yet gotten the security fixes in 4.6.17 you should choose 4.6.18.


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par Eileen sujet Sprints

Inspired by a colleague I suggested we report today's sprint events in Haiku. Here are the burnt offerings from Colarado!

Bugs & QA team

Many Civi Bugs

Ate the sprinters pesticide

And died horribly

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par guyiac sujet Community, Extensions, Teams
With the introduction of the teams and working groups structure, the CiviCRM core team has created more opportunities than ever for community members to step forward and contribute in a clear, directed way. As part of that initiative, the Extensions Working Group has formed with the mission of ensuring a strong, vibrant, enduring extensions ecosystem for CiviCRM.  
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