
Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
par cividesk sujet Training

Cividesk will be offering several on-line courses this month for new and existing users of CiviCRM.  

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par josh sujet Marketing and Promotion

Compared to other open source projects like Drupal, WordPress and Joomla, CiviCRM is quite small and unassuming. It’s powered by a dedicated community that serves an important need; providing world-class software for nonprofits, non-governmental organizations and for civic sector organizations. Though CiviCRM is used around the world, the Core Team would like to see the total number of active sites grow substantially, thereby improving our capacity to grow not only the project’s base of contributors and supporters, but to increase the overall impact that the software can have.

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par Anonyme sujet Case studies and user stories, Extensions, Finance and Accounting

Peer-to-peer fundraising is a hot topic these days. With many different options in the marketplace, it can be hard to choose one that'll work with existing software and have all the features you need for a successful campaign.

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par AllenShaw sujet Extensions, Interface and design

CiviCRM provides a "current employer" field for all individual contacts, and that field does some cool stuff. Problem is, when this field isn't an autocomplete (as in public-facing profiles), you're leaving the door open for typos and abbreviations, which will lead to duplicate records being created for an employer. Wouldn't it be cool to prevent that? Here's an extension that does that and more.

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par cividesk sujet Case studies and user stories, Extensions, Marketing and Promotion

Did you know: CiviCRM is a great software, not only for nonprofits but also for all membership-based organizations. It is therefore no wonders that it is being used by an increasing number of membership-based small businesses such as martial arts clubs, yoga instructors (cf. Yoga for the People), gaming clubs and ... beauty salons!

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par josh sujet Community

CiviCRM packs a ton of features for nonprofit organizations, ranging from contribution and donor management, to event management and mass email capabilities. If you use CiviCRM, then you already know that it’s a competitive piece of software for nonprofits. And yet, as a CRM, it’s not widely known.

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par Anonyme sujet CiviCon
CiviCon 2016 Colorado Ticket Giveaway
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par cividesk sujet CiviCon, Sprints, Training

We are really excited about CiviCon happening on June 2nd and 3rd 2016 at the Colorado State University.

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par alejandro_salgado sujet Case studies and user stories

See how World Family of Radio Maria choose a SaaS CiviCRM solution for its Global Project

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par jaapjansma sujet Community

My first introduction to the community was at a training in Gent in 2013. The training was given by Xavier and Erik Hommel. And they did a very good job because I am still part of the community.

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