2nd june 2016. we organized the first Budapest CiviCRM Meetup. Unfortunately the attendance was low. We discussed the state of CiviCRM in Hungary, as now only 25 sites registered and 21 uses in Hungarian language. Spent some time on the modules, shared our thoughts. Next Budapest CiviCRM Meetup will be in September this year.
This year we had the second CiviCon in North West Europe, which was in Woerden this year, a small town near Utrecht in The Netherlands.
The latest release of CiviCRM 4.6 and 4.7 includes security fixes. We recommend upgrading to 4.7.8 or 4.6.17 to ensure the security of your site and data. The latest releases include 2 moderately critical fixes. A number of other non-security issues have also been fixed in the latest releases.
In late 2009, we were looking for a better solution for one of our larger faith-based clients. The AMS and CRMs we investigated were either too expensive or too simplistic. We had taken a hard look at CiviCRM about a year earlier, but we didn’t think it was ready. However, with the release of CiviCRM 3.1, CiviCRM was more mature and gave us the flexibility and Drupal integration we needed. CiviCRM was ready and so were we.
Anyone who has tried to login to their CiviCRM database via their phone knows the feeling: utter helplessness. You would even be forgiven for thinking CiviCRM is actively hostile to the small screen.
Busy sites have often encountered problems with deadlocks on the group contact cache. There were no less that 3 different code contributions to mitigate this problem put up for 4.7.8 and a number of other discussions have been going on in JIRA.
Hi Everyone! Thanks for visiting the blog post. I am Pranay (21 | Male | India). I am pursuing my Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and have just completed 4 years of undergraduate education. This is my first time at the prestigious Google Summer of Code programme and I am looking forward to a great FOSS-flavored summer.
The latest release of CiviCRM 4.6 and 4.7 includes security fixes. We recommend upgrading to 4.7.7 or 4.6.16 to ensure the security of your site and data. The latest releases include 2 moderately critical fixes. A number of other non-security issues have also been fixed in the latest releases.
Around nine years ago, my wife Virginie was Executive Director for the Rocky Mountain French American Chamber of Commerce, and struggling with Excel spreadsheets, paper memberships forms, and email-based event registration. She asked me to help her find a software to manage her nonprofit. Little did we know that this would have such a huge impact on both of our lives ...

Photography by Alicia Fox / Cool Earth